21. An Explanation

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Scott called his mom before we left the forest, asking if she had seen Dad. She told him he's at the hospital, and is dealing with a dangerous criminal who was injured. Scott thanks her, hangs up, and we hop on his bike and drive to Beacon Memorial.

Once we get there, we walk inside, and make our way to the Emergency unit. I see Scott's mom talking to a familiar someone with graying hair and a police jacket on.

My dad.

I can hear him saying, "we need all the security we can get on this guy. He's almost as bad as that bomber a couple of months ago."

Melissa nods, but looks past him and sees us. Her eyes widen slightly, even though we told her of my coming back to life, and Dad asks, "What?" And turns around.

I stand about twenty feet away. Dad's eyes widen, his mouth falling slack. Tears already fill his eyes, and his lips try to form words. I close the distance between us by ten feet, and still Dad hasn't moved.

I take a deep breath, shoving my shaky hands in my pockets, and say, "Hi, Dad."

He shakes his head slightly, not believing I'm here. Before he can speak, he closes the gap and envelops me in a hug. His arms immediately wrap around me, and I feel his sobs as he realizes I'm not fake, not a figment of his imagination. I don't let the tears fall from my own eyes, but I hold him tightly.

He holds me out in front of him, searching me for any wounds or bruises. I flash my orange eyes at him, and say, "I'm fine, Dad. I'm here."

He nods, and looks beyond me and to Scott. "How--" he cuts himself off.

Scott smiles. "It was Stiles's idea." Seeing the confusion build on Dad's face, he says, "But that's not important. We found a way to bring him back, and now he's here."

Dad smiles at me, tears filling his eyes again. "I'm so glad you're...here. I couldn't stand the idea of you not being in your room sleeping when I get home late. Not talking to you and ordering pizza when there's no food and--" his voice breaks, and he shakes his head.

I pull him into a hug again, not allowing myself to cry. I need to be strong for him, for me. "You still got me," I whisper to him, and smile into his shoulder.


Once Melissa had checked me for the normal bodily functions, she tells me to get some sleep. I nod, and follow Scott out of the hospital room.

I can feel his anxiety radiating from his mind, while my fox senses pick it up as well. "What are you stressing about?" I ask him.

He turns to me, sighing. "I'm just nervous to hear your story, that's all." I detect the lie, but don't say anything.

I nod and say, "Well, let's have a pack meeting. Everyone deserves to know what happened while I was dead." I use the word casually, but referring to my death is still a soft spot. The fact that I died and am back to life is just...crazy. Scott seems to flinch at the word as well, but nods, and we head out to his bike.

Once we arrive at Scott's house, everyone is already here. I open the door to find Lydia, Kira, Allison, Malia, and Liam with his friend Mason--his eyes were recently opened to the Supermatural, I was told. Even Deaton stands in the doorway. I offer a small smile to everyone before starting my explanation.

"As you guys know, I died about four days ago. And trust me, I did die this time--no second chance. I was supposed to be done. But, Fate had an out for me." I explain everything, about Fate and Matthew and everything in between. The pack listens carefully, people asking questions every now and then to confirm.

Once I'm finished, everyone is silent for a bit. Then Lydia, wide eyed, says, "But you're here now. No strings attached?"

I shake my head. "I'm here to stay. But," I say, signing. "The next time I die, that's it. No coming back, no resurrections. I'm done."

Scott pipes in. "All that matters is you're back. And you aren't going anywhere, right?"

I feel his uneasiness like I'm feeling it myself. Then, I think of something. "Where is Nora?"

Scott's face hardens, and that uneasy feeling turns into anger. "I thought you could see everything that happened?"

I shake my head again. "I didn't see anything at first. I was in the white expanse of the After. Scott," I push, "Where is she?"

"I kicked her out of Beacon Hills. She was at fault for your death."

"No, Cole was--"

"I killed him," Scott deadpans, cutting me off. I jerk back slightly, wide eyed. I'm about to say something when he continues, "I told Nora that if she comes back, I'll kill her too."

I'm quiet for a moment before something pops up. I look up at him. "But...what about your True Alpha status? Won't that change if you kill an innocent?"

He shakes his head. "Cole wasn't innocent. He killed you. All because Nora let him."

I feel the resentment towards Nora in Scott's head, and it overwhelms me for a minute. But I say, "Did she even care that I died?"

Scott gives me a look of outrage. "Are you serious? Stiles, she brainwashed you and you didn't even remember it--"

"Oh, I remember it," I cut him off. "One of the many perks of dying. I remember everything she compelled me to forget. So don't throw that crap on me."

Scott just gapes at my outburst. I roll my eyes and say, "Why are you feeling so dumbfounded? Surely you guessed I would have remembered soon enough."

That makes him gawk even more. "What--how did you..."

I stay silent, cursing myself for speaking out loud. I look around at everyone, seeing their faces mirroring Scott's.

Deaton just nods his head, and I sense his understanding. "Interesting."

"So you know why I can feel others' emotions." I cross my arms, waiting for the explanation.

Deaton nods. "It's only fitting that you would have some sort of ability. It makes sense why Nora was interested in only you."

I nod, already knowing most of that. Scott's confusion ripples through me. I look at him. "God, Scott. Please handle your emotions. It's getting overwhelming how strong they are."

He gapes yet again. I laugh and say, "I'm kidding." Not really.

"So, what," Kira says. "Stiles can read emotions, and feel them now?"

I nod at the same time Deaton says, "Yes, basically. That just makes him even more interesting."

Lydia sighs. "Enough of this talk. Shouldn't we be celebrating? Stiles is alive!" She smiles, and Allison nods.

Everyone seems to agree, and Scott shakes his head clear of confusion and says, "I'll order a pizza!"

I laugh, and watch as Scott looks at Kira quickly. An overwhelming feeling of love and happiness takes over his mind. Feeling my eyes on him, he turns to me. I smile stupidly at him, raising my eyebrows up and down. He scoffs, and moves to the phone to order the pizza.

I smile at the ruckus, happy to be hearing it with my own ears again instead of through a computer. I laugh as Malia kisses me full on the lips. She pulls away, but I kiss her again, deeply. She smiles into it, and I pull her into a hug afterwards.

"I love you," I whisper.

"I love you too," She answers.


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Probably one more chapter, and an Epilogue left, and that's it for Werefox Stilinski :) I hope you enjoyed this chapter!


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