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My breath came out in visible puffs of warm air surrounded by cold. The bitter wind was hard to inhale, my lungs burning as I started to run. I could hear them behind me, their footsteps heavy and their voices a chorus of different sounds, yelling at me. Screaming words like, 'murderer,' or, 'witch.'

I felt my lips curve into a small smile. So this is how it ends...? I felt tears stinging my eyes but I smiled shakily through it all. I'd reached a dead end at the cliff. I couldn't climb. I couldn't escape. I saw them at the edge of the clearing. Cheering. They saw me.

I started laughing as they dragged me away. Spit spilled from my mouth in frothy waterfalls. Tears where streaming from my eyes, my heart felt like it was being torn out. But at the same time, I deserved it. I deserved every second.

I could see the blood dripping from my hands. I grabbed my knife. My eyes were wide and my smile never wavered. I looked up at the person's eyes. They dropped me in surprise.

I held him down and started to carve the words into his skull. The words I knew he'd never forget as I heard him scream:

"Don't take my skittles."

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