Death In The Midst Of Many

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Will felt the sweat on his skin mingle with the blood that spread from the gash in his side. His breathing was ragged and hoarse. The irregular drumbeats of his heart he blamed on panic. He scrambled for words of comfort. In the end his hands were left empty and his eyes unable to open, for fear he would see the blood, and then it would become all too real.

"Will. Will, sweetheart. Open your eyes."

Nico's voice was a constant. It was shaky and slow, like he was trying to process what he was seeing and he couldn't let himself believe it. Will wanted to tell him everything would be okay. He wanted to be able to wrap Nico in his arms and protect him from the reality they both feared.

He opened his eyes and felt his eyes burn. Nico was hunched over him, tears streaming down his face, mouth opening and closing like wanted to speak but his voice was stolen by the sight before him. And despite the grief that tainted his face and the tearstained cheeks and the puffy eyes...Will still couldn't see him as anything but beautiful.

A brief thought crossed his mind and he wondered, for a moment, that of all the ways he might have died, this might be the one. He felt unbelievably selfish when he realized he was glad that Nico was here. Nico would have to see him leave. Nico would blame himself.

"It's okay. I know. They're not getting here in time. I know. But it still hurts." Nico whispered the words like each one tore a new wound into his heart.

Will realized just how grateful he was that he was allowed to see the face of the one he loved before his eyes shut forever.

Nico's eyes widened to the size of saucers. He grasped Will's hands with a grip of steel and started yelling for help.

Even with all the dirt and grim and battle scars, Nico was beautiful.

He voiced his thoughts before his voice went silent and his eyes closed.

And Will died with a slight smile on his face.

What do you want me to say?

I'm sorry???

But I'm kinda not


Okay fine.


Hades told Thanatos to turn a blind eye to Will's death. Thanatos wasn't that motivated until Aphrodite threatened to tie him to a lamp post and hit him with street signs if he so much as considered tearing her OTP apart.


Will woke up the next day

Turns out he just fell asleep during a battle because of his lack of energy.

Apollo himself paid his cabin a visit to ensure everyone was okay and started crying because he's an over-emotional, overgrown child.

Nico was the one who forced him to stay in the infirmary this time. Nico was sadistic and made him stay a day longer than he was supposed to.

All was well

--Then the fire nation attacked--


You got your happy ending

That is all.

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