Capítulo Once.

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Liam Hemsworth as Ramone's right-hand man, Demetrios Kanzaki


Married to the Mafia: Capítulo Once

"Am I missing something here?" Micah asked as he bounced Xiomara on his hip.

"No!" Raymundo and I said in unison as we turned to Micah but we went back to glaring at each other. How this man thought he could come up in this house and speak to me in the way that he just did.

I hadn't told Micah of my secret rendezvous with Raymundo and I wasn't planning on that. It was just a one time thing and it wouldn't happen again. Sometimes, I hated my height. Raymundo was a few inches taller than me and I had to crane my neck up to look at him. Stupid bigoted bastard.

"Oh quit it out!" Maddy said, breaking us from our staring battle as we turned to look at her. "If you guys can't be civilized while we're here, then don't talk to each other at all!" She yelled and I walked away with a huff. I leaned on the wall with my arms folded as I stared at him.

She didn't know why we were acting like this but she always took it upon her to do something about it.

Raymundo stood in the same place he was, still staring back at me. I wanted to know what he was thinking because his face was as blank as ever. He was the one who started this whole thing. Had he not have said anything, we could be civil. But he knew how to get under my skin for some reason.

"Okay then." Ramone began to say but he was cut off by Xiomara. "Daddy!" She opened her hands and closed them and he sighed, taking her from Micah.

"You little bastard, taking my daughter away from me." Micah grumbled out and Ramone smirked. "Angel, I have no idea how she figured that. Sweetheart, tell mommy how I became daddy." He motioned over to Micah. "Mommy, daddy came to our house and he was really nice to me. He said that he was really close to you and he loved you, so he's my daddy!" Then she turned to Ramone with a glare. "No one can love mommy as much as I do!"

Ramone chuckled a bit and put her down on the floor.

"Don't worry. I don't love your daddy the same way." He said daddy in a sensual voice and Micah blushed. Are you two?" Maddy pointed to them and Micah looked away. "You didn't!"

Oh, I see what's going on here. Micah couldn't help himself against that delcious mafia boss.

Ramone started whistling and I grinned. "Stockholm Syndrome at its finest. Pay up, Maddy." I held out a hand to her and she grudgingly put two twenties in my hand. I smiled down at the money, knowing that this would go towards my mother's new house.

"You made a bet?!" Micah screeched and I smirked at him. "Of course, Micah. You know me." I winked and he sighed. I wouldn't be Derek Giordano if I didn't do these things. It was in my genes to be that kind of person. "Unfortunately, I do." I licked my lips and he saw Raymundo staring at me before he turned away. Why he was staring at me, no one knows.

"Shut up, you fucking idiot. It's too early to hear your fucking voice." Raymundo hissed in annoyance to me as he turned around and walked into the kitchen. "What the fuck was that, you fucking caveman? I will slice your fucking nuts off, mob boss or not!" I yelled angrily, following after Raymundo. We walked into the kitchen and started arguing.

"YOU'RE SUCH A FUCKING ASSHOLE!" He snarled at me from across the countertop and I felt my rage flying through the roof.

"OH YEAH, THEN WHAT DOES THAT MAKE YOU?" I screeched back as we walked closer to each other around the island. I wanted to rip his hair off and stab him so much. I hadn't had this violent streak inside of me but he ignited that flame in me.

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