Capítulo Dieciséis.

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Sarah Paulson as Nicola Sueños


Married to the Mafia: Capítulo Deciséis

"RAYMUNDO VEGA, YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!" I screamed as I marched down the hall of the Ramone's head base. My anger was at its highest and it wasn't in the condition to be refueled so Ray better give me answers because he does not want to see Derek Giordano mad.

"GET THE FUCK OUT HERE!" I yelled as I felt the need to puke rise inside of me. After I figured out what Karina's motive and initiative was, I was going to get myself checked out. I didn't want to be dying or anything like that.

"Yes, babe? How can this asshole be of service?" I heard his voice coming up ahead and suddenly, I calmed down. I stopped walking and leaned on the wall to catch my breath because I was suddenly tired and dizzy. "Are you okay?" I was engulfed into a chest and the smell of cologne invaded my nostrils. I instantly relaxed into his hold, the nauseous feeling going away.

"You alright, amor?" He asked, his voice tinged with Spanish and I swallowed a moan that threatened to come out. This was not the time to be getting aroused by my significant other's voice. We had much bigger problems on hand.

"Um, look at this." I whipped out my phone and went to the text messages I had received earlier today from his ex-wife and put it in his hands for him to look at. "Tell me why, your ex is texting me. How the hell did she even get my number?" Ray stared at the text with indifference before his expression turned into one of fear.

"We need to teach you how to defend yourself." That was all he said. Nothing about why she was targeting me or anything else. "I know that she's targeting me because I'm supposedly married to you," I stated as I looked down at my ring finger smiling at the diamonds that glistened.

He had given me this ring with a promise. "Even if this marriage is fake and not a circumstantial decision, I believe that this ring will soon lead to something very true. I promise that I won't ever give you a reason to take that off." He said as he crushed me to his chest.

That was the day I believed I fell even harder for him.

"But aren't you going to question how she figured out my number and all those other details?" I raised a brow and he sighed. "No. We just need to make sure you can defend yourself in case I'm not there." He explained, still being vague. "Okay." I said, confused of where this was all going to go. Was he trying to say that Karina might attack us?

"I can defend myself," I began. "I'm trained in all types of martial arts and my father taught me how to use guns." Raymundo raised a brow at me. "Safely." I added, so he didn't look at me like I was crazy.

"Whatever." He tsked under his breath and that was when I realized how serious the situation was. "I just don't want you to be in danger. Period. I don't care whether or not you can defend yourself. I don't want you to be hurt." He put both of his hands on my cheeks and forced me to look up at him.

"I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I let something happened to you." He placed his forehead on mine and I could feel him trembling. "Nothing will happen to me, Raymundo. Lo ti copro le spalle, tu le copri a me." I smiled up at him and he sighed, like he understand what i said. (I got your back and you've got mine.)

"Confia en mi no te dejarè ir ni te desepcionaré." He whispered and I stared at him, not knowing what he said and he finally caught on. "I won't let you down and I won't let you go." He chuckled as he put his chin on my head, rubbing my back.

It just occurred to me that we were in the middle of the hallway and people were bound to walk up on us, but we didn't care. "Raymundo, what are we?" I asked, a bit of insecurity lacing my tone and he raised a brow. "I thought I made it known that we were together. Did I not?" He looked at me like he was confused and it clicked within my brain that he had told his sister that we were boyfriends.

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