Capítulo Veintitres.

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Josh Duhamel as the intoxicatingly dangerous man, Isaiah Carlton 


Married to the Mafia: Capítulo Veintitres

"So where is his base located?"

Ramone clicked his tongue as he turned to me, his jaw clenching. "It's not here and he's not at a base." He sighed and I rubbed my bloated stomach, looking at him in confusion. "Then where is it?" I questioned and he glared at me.

"John is working on that right now. Months ago, I put a GPS tracking device into Ray's iPhone without him knowing and John is trying to crack the code on his phone from the computer so we can activate the GPS." Ramone clarified as he ran a hand through Micah's hair as he sat on his lap.

"What a lovely younger brother you are." I hissed, allowing sarcasm to come out of my mouth.

Ramone shot me another dark glare. "No need to be an asshole, Derek." Micah rolled his eyes and I let out a humorless chuckle. "So what is the plan?" I asked and Ramone shuffled around some papers before pulling one out. "When we figure out Raymundo's whereabouts, we are going to go there unnanounced and we are going to figure out what holes Isaiah has in the building so we can get in scot-free." Demetrios offered as he shook his head.

"What happens after that, I don't know. We'll have to improvise. We all work better under pressure." He stated and I had to say, he was right about all of that. "But do we know how many men Isaiah has guarding the place he's in? For fuck's sake, we don't even know where he is! He could be on an isolated island for all we know!" I cried, wincing when the one of the babies kicked.

I was almost 7 months pregnant with the twins and I shouldn't be offering my help with Ray when he was the reason he got himself into this situation. That god damned bastard was stupid enough as he was.

"Actually, no he's not." A voice came from the doorway of the office. I snapped my neck over to see John Cavanaugh standing there with a firm look on his face. "What did you find John?" Ramone cocked his head up as the all flamboyant man came marching in.

"He's nowhere far from here. I finally managed to crack the code to his phone which by the way, was hard as hell." John placed a hand on his hip. "What was the code?" Demetrios asked monotonously. "We might need it again."

John rolled his eyes as he looked at the paper in his hand. "08011992." He relayed out loud and I sighed lowly. "Isn't that your birth date, Derek?" Micah furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and I nodded slowly. "Must be a mere coincidence." I decided, watching them all stare at me.

"So where is he at?" I waved a hand at John for him to continue and he got the motion. "He has a safe house stationed in Cold Spring which is 1 hour and 24 minutes away from here." He stated while rubbing Demetrios's arm.

"So this is what we do to avoid any mere casualties," I started slowly. "John, you figure out the type of house he has and how we could get in without being undetected." He nodded as he walked back out of the room. "Demetrios, you get Ramone's good men and get them set up with armor and guns." The man in question whistled at me as he went to go do his job.

"Micah, you call your dad and let him know we need his help." Micah went to argue about the safety of his dad but I let him know it wasn't the time. I knew his father might have not been in the right state of mind then but he is now and we needed his help. He was a good brigadier general and he knew what he doing.

"Ramone, you gather the cars and devise a plan that doesn't suck ass, alright?" I raised a brow at the big man and he nodded, letting out a growl. "What about you?" He asked and I snorted. "I'm going to call up some people that can help us in this war." I got up and started waddling towards the door.

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