All Dolled Up- STAYLIE

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This one is for Haylie_Marie_.

Tonight was the night that Haylie had been waiting weeks for. There was a big charity gala that was happening. Normally she wouldn't be bothered going but this event was near and dear to her heart. Haylie gave her make-up one last touch and went to the kitchen to wait for Tony. He wasn't hosting the event, but he was happy to escort her and it gave him an excuse to go to a party (not that he needed one). As she was stepping into the elevator, she bumped into Lilly.

"Haylie, you look so beautiful!" she complimented. "I feel so daggy standing next to you." Lilly looked down at her faded Evanescence- Fallen t-shirt and grey sweatpants then over to Haylie in her elegant royal blue gown.

"Thank you Lil," she smiled. They made small talk until they reached the kitchen. Clint was sitting at the kitchen table chatting with Laia and drinking his coffee but when he saw Haylie, he grinned widely.

"You look gorgeous sis," he beamed. Laia also complemented her and Haylie thanked them both before checking that she had everything in her purse. When Steve walked in, his jaw dropped.

"Haylie... you look... wow," he stammered.

"Thanks..." she blushed, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"You're welcome. So what's the occasion?" Haylie's face lit up and she began excitedly talking about the gala she was about to attend. As she spoke, Steve admired the way her eyes sparkled. She accidently dropped her purse and bent down to pick it up.

"What's that?" Steve asked, pointing to a white spot on her rump. Haylie twisted around and saw it.

"Oh, it looks like bleach or something! They must've done it at the cleaners!"

"Turn around," Lilly said. Haylie turned around and Lilly examined the stain.

"It's not that bad, hardly noticeable."

"Steve noticed it!"

"That's because Steve spends half his time staring at your-"

"Lilly!" Lilly threw her hands up in defence.

"Well I can't wear this now."

"I might have something you can wear," Lilly offered.


"Sure, let's go pick something out. You should have enough time to get changed before it starts."

"Hopefully by then Tony will have shown up."

"You haven't heard?" Laia said.

"Heard what?"

"Tony's sick as a dog. He's not going anywhere."

"Oh, this night just keeps getting worse!"

"Come on, let's go and choose a dress and we can figure something out."


Later, Lilly had laid out three dresses on her bed. The first one was made of black and white tulle and had a diamante charm in the middle of the bust with intricate beadwork flowing down. The second was a form-fitting black dress made of silk and decorated with rhinestones. The third dress was made of a flowing blue fabric and had a row of silver beads just under the bust. Haylie picked up the last one and held it against her body.

"I kind of like this one," she said, looking at herself in the mirror. She gave it a few moments of thought before going to try it on. Lilly helped zip her up and they returned to the kitchen. When they arrived, they saw Steve all dressed up and looking handsome in a stylish black suit.

"Steve? Wh-what're you doing?"

"Well, you looked so disappointed when Laia said Tony couldn't take you so she suggested that I could go in his place." Laia simply grinned as if to say 'You're welcome'.

"Thank you so much!" she said, throwing her arms around him. Steve blushed and awkwardly cleared his throat.

"A-are you ready to go?" he asked. Haylie nodded and the two of them left.


At the gala, Steve and Haylie were pretty much inseparable. They laughed and talked and simply enjoyed each other's company. When they started dancing, they couldn't help feeling a spark between them. After that, Steve kept a protective hand around Haylie's waist. At the end of the night, the gala was a huge success and the charity had raised a decent amount of money for their cause.


Still buzzing from all the excitement, Steve and Haylie gave one more spin around the living room. As they settled down, Haylie draped her arms on his shoulders and Steve's hands were around her waist.

"Thanks for taking me out tonight Steve. I had a great time," she said, her lips getting closer to his.

"Anytime Haylie. I'd do anything for you," he breathed. Their lips inched closer and closer together until-

"Did he kiss her yet?"

"I don't know, I can't see."

"Guys, quit hogging the peep-hole." Groaning, Haylie went and opened a nearby door where she heard the voices coming from. Out tumbled Clint, who fell on the floor, Laia, who landed on top of Clint and Lilly, who managed to catch herself on the doorway before squashing both of them.

"Mind telling us what you were doing in there?"

"We could, but we don't want to," Lilly responded.

"Yeah, so... bye," Clint said and the three of them scrambled. Haylie muttered under her breath and cursed them. Steve scratched the back of his neck.

"So Haylie, um... I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go on a date sometime?" he blushed. Smiling, Haylie crashed her lips against his.

"I'd love to, Steve."

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