Christmas Special- BRUELA: Decorating the Tree

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The first Christmas themed chapter goes out to MarielaCasta! Enjoy the fluff!


Bruce never liked Christmas. To him, it was just another day in the year. That was... until he met the love of his life, Mariela Rogers (now Banner). The way her face lit up when she talked about Christmas just melted his heart. Christmases with her were extra special and with the arrival of their little miracle Grant, the holiday was absolutely magical.


The couple spent over an hour picking out the perfect tree. It was tall but not ridiculously so, fresh but not too fresh and was the perfect shade of green. When they got it home, Bruce got the decorations out of the garage. This would be Grant's first Christmas (despite the fact he was almost one) so he was in absolute awe of every item that his parents took out of the boxes. Bruce and Mariela began with putting the lights and tinsel on the tree while Grant watched in wonder. When they brought out the other decorations and told him he could help them, the little boy squealed in delight. They kept the fragile ornaments out of his reach and put them higher up on the tree. Mariela showed Grant how to hang them which he was more than happy to do. Together, the family worked as a team to decorate the Christmas tree. Bruce hung the fragile decorations up high, Mariela hung the decorations in the middle and little Grant hung the decorations down low as that was all he could reach. While they were decorating, Mariela noticed that her son was frequently disappearing. She watched him as he started wandering off with a green bauble.

"Grant," Mariela softly called. Grant made a break for it and ran as fast as his short, little legs could carry him. Mariela just smiled and followed him. Grant headed to his toy box where Mariela caught him and picked him up.

"Can mommy have that back?" Grant huffed and held the orb close to his chest.

"Please? Daddy will help you put the star on top of the tree," she pleaded. The toddler carefully weighed his options and looked at the decoration in his hands. Keep his green 'shiny' or get to touch the big gold 'shiny'. Grant reluctantly handed her the ornament. Mariela notice that there were a few other decorations at the bottom of her son's toy box along with his other 'treasures'. She would have to remember to get them after Grant went to bed. Bruce smiled widely when he saw the two of them.

"There's my little buddy. Ready to put the star on top of the tree?" Grant nodded eagerly and made grabby hands towards his father. Bruce took his son from his wife and picked up the star. The small boy's face lit up as his dad lifted him up to put star on. Once it was safely on, Bruce stepped back to admire the Christmas tree. As far as they were concerned, it was absolutely perfect.

"What do you think, pal?" Grant squealed happily and clapped his hands. Yes, Christmas this year would the best one so far.

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