Birthday Surprise- CLAIA

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Happy Birthday Yavanna80!


It was one am when Lilly got the phone call.

"Lilly! It's me, Clint. I really need your help."

"Clint? What's wrong? Are you and Laia, okay? Are the kids okay?" Lilly was starting to get worried.

"We're both fine, but Mike's coughed up his scab. I want to go with Laia but I can't leave Charlie alone." Little Mike had recently surgery to have his tonsils taken out.

"Hold on, I'll be right there."


A while later, Lilly arrived at their apartment. While Clint had their farmhouse, they still kept their place in the city. Lilly knocked on the door, and when Clint opened it, he was nearly in hysterics. He hugged her in tears and she rubbed his back.

"Sorry for calling you so late but everyone else is either on a mission or has kids."

"It's okay, Clint. It's going to be okay. Your boy is tough. He's made of both you and Laia," she said in a calm voice. He nodded and tried to calm himself down.

"Here, take my car and go be with your wife. She needs you right now." 'Probably not as much as you need her,' she thought.

"You're right. You're right." Clint took her keys and was out the door. Lilly didn't show it, but she was quite worried about Mike; she loved all the Avengers' kids like her own nieces and nephews. She paced the lounge room nervously for a while before sitting down. About ten minutes later, she heard a little voice.

"Aunty Lilly?" She looked up to see Charlie standing in the doorway, his stuffed dog tucked under his arm

"Hey, chook. What are you doing up?"

"I had a bad dream and I can't find mommy and daddy," he wept.

"Oh, sweetie. Come here bubba boy." Charlie crossed the room and climbed onto her lap.

"Mummy and daddy have just gone to the hospital with your brother. He's going to be okay though. Now come on, let's get you back in bed." Lilly took the little boy back to his room and tucked him in.

"Comfy?" Charlie nodded. "Good." Lilly leant forward and kissed his forehead.

"Kiss for Lucky, too?" Lilly smiled and kissed the stuffed animal as well. The thing poor had one of its eyes bitten off at one point and was so loved that its fur was matted.

"Aunty Lilly, can you tell me a story about mommy and daddy?" Lilly thought for a moment.

"Do you know how daddy proposed to mummy?" Charlie shook his head.


...Laia's birthday- Five years earlier...

Some of the girls had taken Laia out to lunch for her birthday.

"Thanks for that girls," she smiled, taking out her phone. "By the way, have you seen Clint? I haven't heard from him since this morning." The girls all exchanged knowing glances. They entered the elevator and Nat covered Laia's eyes.

"Guys, I already know there's a surprise party," she giggled.

"What?! How did you know?"

"Thor. Hannah, subtly is not your boyfriend's strong point." Hannah would argue, but the Catalan had a point.

"But, do you know the theme?"

"Ooh, there's a theme?"

"You'll have to find out, won't you?" They managed to get her up to her room without her seeing anything. Laid on her bed was a toga made out of a beautiful purple fabric and on her nightstand were golden accessories.


After Laia had gotten changed, they took her into the lounge room. Lilly quickly scouted ahead to make sure everything was ready and gave a thumbs up. When Laia entered, she was amazed by the decorations. The whole place looked like the top of Mount Olympus, with white pillars, golden urns and ivy leaves. Everyone was dressed a toga of some sort. Most of the men looked like guys going to a fraternity party but some of them took their time with it. Some of the women (like Laia) had on coloured togas but most just stuck to basic white. Along one of the back walls was a large table covered in grapes, yellow apples and Grecian delicacies as well as beautiful cake.

"This... this is amazing! When I guessed the theme, I certainly didn't imagine this."

"We just looked through the history books for ideas for the decorations and got Agent Lazaraki to help us out with the food." By this point, she was only half listening. Laia was still in awe of everything around her but she was also looking for her boyfriend.

"Shall we put her out of her misery?" Bucky smirked.

"Might as well." They set Laia down on a chair in the middle of the room and brought out some strange looking targets with balloons attached before moving behind her. A few minutes later, Clint strutted out, wearing a white toga and a crown of ivy with a bow in his hand and quiver slung over his shoulder. He looked just like Apollo.

"Happy birthday, babe," he smirked. Laia stood up, feeling totally speechless. He stood next to her, drew an arrow and let it fly. The first balloon popped, revealing the word 'WILL'. Laia's eyes widened and her heartbeat quickened. He drew the next one and burst the next balloon; 'YOU'. With the next two; MARRY... ME? Laia's eyes filled with tears and she turned to Clint, who was down on one knee holding out a stunning engagement ring.

 ME? Laia's eyes filled with tears and she turned to Clint, who was down on one knee holding out a stunning engagement ring

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"Yes, Clint, yes!" Clint slipped the ring on her finger, stood up and kissed her passionately. Everybody clapped and cheered for the couple.

"Bet that's not the last time she says that tonight," Tony said cheekily to Pietro. Laia spent the rest of her birthday in a state of total bliss.


It was in the early hours of the morning when Clint came home from the hospital. He found Lilly kneeling down by Charlie's bed, using her arms as a pillow.

"Lilly," he whispered, shaking her shoulder. Lilly stirred and woke.

"You're back! Is Mike okay?" she whispered.

"He's fine now, but they want to keep him for observations. Thanks for coming, you can go home now." Lilly gave a small sigh of relief.

"You're welcome. By the way, Charlie had nightmare so I just told him stories until he fell asleep."

"Is he okay?"

"He's fine, but he now knows what a big softie his dad is."

"What did you tell him?"

"Oh nothing too embarrassing... Apollo," she grinned.

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