Stormy Nights and Lazy Mornings- WECCA

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This one goes out to MaximoffsGirl. I hope you don't mind but I borrowed some things out of the 'You Comfort Her and Cuddle As Friends' chapter of Meg's book.


Ever since the weather man had predicted a storm in the area, Wanda had been on edge. All day the sky had been blanketed with thick, black clouds, threatening to pour at any given moment which did not help her mood. In the meantime, Becca had been busily preparing for the storm. For her, it wasn't just about the important things like making sure the phones were powered up and there were candles nearby in case of a blackout. No, for Becca, it was about making sure that Wanda felt at ease. Personally, she didn't mind the rain but it distressed her to see her girlfriend so upset. Becca had set on the bed the heavy quilt they had bought on their last trip to Vermont, made a pot of her unique blend of spice tea and placed her iPod on the bedside table with Wanda's special playlist. She had also planned out a day of activities to keep Wanda's troubled mind distracted from the oncoming storm.


Later that night, the couple were settling down and watching movies. Becca could tell that Wanda was still unnerved as she timidly nibbled on a star shaped sugar cookie from the batch they had made earlier in the day. She might have looked adorable had it not have been the mild look of terror in her crystal blue eyes. Although to Becca, it didn't matter if Wanda was scared, happy, sad, angry, sleepy... she was beautiful in all of her moods. Outside, the wind started to pick up, causing the Sokavian to whimper in fear. Becca stood up and offered her hand.

"Come on, hun. Let's go put our pyjamas on and cuddle in our nice warm bed."


It was the middle of the night when the storm hit. Rain pelted down on the roof and wind screamed, shaking the windows and threatened to shake the glass out of their panes. Thunder boomed and lightening lit up the room, despite the curtains in the window. Frightened awake, Wanda sent a hex flying into the wall, creating a hole.

"Becca!" Wanda cried out. She started crying and hyperventilating.

"Shh, it's okay, Wanda. I'm here." Becca reached for the iPod, placed both earbuds into Wanda's ears and hit play. The witch tried to focus on the music, the heat radiating from Becca's body and her scent. Wanda clung to her, too afraid to let go. Becca was her life line, her rock, her light in the dark. Wanda felt so safe, loved and protected in Becca's arms. No matter how bad she thought things were, as long as she had Becca, Wanda knew things would be okay again. If it hadn't have been if her, there was absolutely way Wanda would be able to make it through the storm. Becca stroked her hair and held her close until she felt Wanda relax and her breathing slow, signalling she had finally fallen into a peaceful sleep. Knowing that Wanda was finally at ease, Becca could allow herself to drift off to sleep as well.


The next morning; all that remained of the storm was a trail of destruction and a light drizzle. The music was still playing when Wanda opened her eyes. She looked up to see that Becca was still asleep, a small smile on her lips as she dreamed. Wanda hit pause on the iPod and set it on the bedside table. Becca woke shortly after.

"Hey," Wanda sleepily smiled.

"Hi," Becca replied.

"I want to thank you for everything you did for me yesterday and last night..."

"I would do anything for you, Wanda. You know that." Wanda smiled softly.

"Where would I be without you?"

"Probably cowering in the closet," Becca half joked, making Wanda laugh.

"Yeah... You could be right about that..."

The two of them stayed in bed for an hour, cuddling and holding hands, fingers intertwined. A content silence fell over them, as the last of the rain gently pattered on the roof. A while, Wanda decided to get up to make Becca breakfast in bed, however, Becca wanted to make Wanda breakfast in bed. After a few moments of playfully arguing, they both got up to make breakfast and brought it back to eat it in bed. It was the perfect way to start the morning after the tempest that roared the previous night. They still had to check for damages outside (not to mention the hole Wanda had accidentally created) but that would have to wait until later.

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