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A/N: Here's part two of 'Let Her Go'! I'm going to do two alternate endings to this.

Also featuring:-

Yavanna80 (Claia)

marvelgrl600 (Scodi)


Three months. That's how long she had been gone for. Lilly had been gone for three whole months. It was strange walking past her workshop and not hearing any sounds coming from it. Lilly kept in touch via Skype but it just wasn't the same...


It was late at night when Lilly returned to the Tower and most of the team were in bed. She hadn't told the Avengers she was coming home because she wanted to surprise them.

"Good evening, Miss Willow," F.R.I.D.A.Y. greeted. Lilly jumped a little, having almost forgotten about the automated voice.

"Shall I inform the others that you have returned?" Lilly smiled somewhat.

"No, thanks F.R.I.D.A.Y. I want to surprise them tomorrow."

"Very well. Have a good night, Miss."

"Thank you, F.R.I.D.A.Y," Lilly smiled. As she walked back to her old room, she could hear the familiar sounds of Tony tinkering in his lab and Thor snoring. It was nice to know that some things didn't change.


The following morning, Lilly woke to the sound of the Avengers arguing over breakfast. Yes, some things certainly didn't change. After getting dressed, Lilly made her way to the kitchen where Thor was arguing with Sam who got the last piece of bacon while Laia sneaked off with it.

"That'd be bloody right! I leave for three months and you bunch of drongos fall completely apart without me," Lilly said, throwing her accent on extra thick. The team all turned to where they heard the voice and stared at Lilly who was standing in the doorway.

"Don't just stand there and stare," she laughed and went over to them. They all came over to hug her.

"Why didn't you tell us you were coming in? We would have picked you up."

"I wanted to surprise you..."

"Aunty Lil!" Cassie squealed, running up and hugging her tightly.

"Cassie! Wow, I can't believe how big you've got... and you too, Jodi," Lilly said, referring to her pregnant belly.

"Yep! Ready to pop any day now. You got back just in time," she smiled. As they were all catching up, Lilly noticed that there were two faces missing.

"Where are Bucky and Steve?"

"They went on a mission a few weeks ago. If everything went well, they should be home soon." Lilly smiled a bit and nodded.

"What's with that smile, Lil?"

"I've been doing a lot of thinking while I was away and I think I've finally come to a decision... But I can't be sure until I spend some time with him again..."


When the boys came back home, they were thrilled to see that Lilly had returned. There were a lot of hugs and a lot of talking and catching up. It felt like old times again. When Lilly saw his face, she knew for sure that he was the one and over the weeks that followed and the more time she spent with him, the more she was absolutely positive.



A few weeks after his return, Steve had been spending a lot of time with Lilly. One day, Steve came up to Lilly with a problem.

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