Christmas Special- CLAIA: Trip To Santa

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Day two of the Christmas Specials goes out to Yavanna80!


As it was almost time for Christmas, the Barton family made the long trip from their quiet, humble farm to the bustling, hubbub of the city for shopping and that all important trip to see Santa. Laia had to keep a vigilant eye on their energetic five-year-old Thomas while Clint had the easy job of pushing around their two-year-old Natalie in her stroller. They had spent most of the day at the mall shopping for gifts for everyone and by late afternoon, Santa had finally arrived. Unfortunately, the Barton's had gotten there late which meant they were further back in line. As time went on, Thomas was starting to become bored, impatient and whiny.

Mommy, can I have...?

Mommy, I want...

Mommy, can we go...?

Mommy, I need...

Mommy, mommy, mommy...


"You let him have sugar today, didn't you Clint?" Laia sighed to her husband as their boy swung on her arm.

"He asked and I gave it to him. What else was I supposed to say?"

"You say no, Clint! Otherwise I have to say it and that makes me the 'bad guy' and I don't like having to be the 'bad guy' all the time." Clint was about to retort but was interrupted by a small sneeze by their daughter. He took her out of the stroller to check her over.

"You don't think she's catching a cold, do you?" he fussed.

"Babe, I'm sure she's fine. It was only one sneeze. It's warm enough in here and you've bundled her up with enough layers to survive Alaska," Laia reasoned.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. Mommy's always right, isn't she little dove? Yes, she is," Clint cooed to Natalie. The little girl giggled and put her small hands on her father's cheeks.

"Dada!" she giggled. Laia smiled at the two of them but was quickly distracted by her son trying to bolt. She sighed and ran after him while Clint held their place in line.


It was an hour before they finally made it to the front of the line. Laia was grateful that they had made it at last because her son was starting to grind on her nerves (as much as she loved him) and poor little Natalie had dozed off in her father's arms. The moment Thomas saw he ran to Santa and sat on his lap.

"What would you like Santa to bring you for Christmas?" Santa asked.

"I want a new bow and the latest Hawkeye action figure and new sunglasses and the new Avengers game and a bike and... oh, yeah! The new Water Shark figurine... Please Santa," he said, remembering his manners. Clint grinned proudly at his son. After Thomas' turn, they woke Natalie and set her down on Santa's knee.

"And what would you like for Christmas?" he asked. Natalie looked at him shyly, her thumb in her mouth.

"Go on, sweetheart," Laia encouraged. Natalie took her thumb out long enough mutter the word 'puppy'. As much as she adored Lucky (heck, the dog basically thought of the kids as his own puppies), he was just too big for her. Even the slightest affectionate nudge knocked the toddler off her feet. Clint and Laia both smiled. After taking the picture of Santa and the kids, the Barton family set off for home. By the time they had reached the farm, the kids were sound asleep in the backseat of the car.

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