Christmas Special- THANNAH: Christmas Poem

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With twenty days to Christmas, why not try something different? Day five is dedicated to Belle_of_Asgard. This one is going to be slightly shorter than the others due to the format. Hope you're not lactose intolerant because this one is going to be extra cheesy XD


It felt like just yesterday that Hannah joined the team. When she passed the initiation test, poor Sam wanted to scream.

Hannah is Sam Wilson's adopted little sister. When Thor first started dating her Sam warned, "You better take good care of her, mister!"

However, the fateful day that Hannah finally became a bride, all Sam's worries were finally set aside.

Now Thor and Hannah were happily married with three babies on the way. Three babies at once?! Is that what I hear you say?

Natural triplets are rare, so how can that be? For those of you that don't know, Thor is the god of thunder, oak trees, strength and fertility.

With all this additional information, I'm probably starting to bore ye. I'll digress now and move on with the story.


It was Christmas time again, something Thor still didn't quite understand, for this holiday wasn't celebrated in his land.

Christmas was a holiday that was dear to Hannah's heart and for his darling wife; Thor would gladly play his part.

Hannah wanted to help but Thor made her sit by, so Thor put up the decorations under Hannah's watchful eye.

They even had decorated the nursery. The babies weren't due for a few months but it was never too early.

Once the ornaments were put up with care, Hannah settled down in her new rocking chair.

Hannah Christmas read stories to her baby bump, and as she spoke, she felt the tiniest of thumps.

The tiny movements caused her to giggled, from inside her tummy, the babies continued to wriggle.

Thor watched her, in love with his wife, the woman that held his heart, his partner for life.

He also cared deeply for the precious lives growing inside her womb; Thor's love for Hannah could only continue to bloom.

The couple knew handling three babies was going to be a hard task but if ever they needed help, they had a tight group of friends they could ask.

Hannah couldn't wait until the triplets' first Christmas and when it family moments, there was no way that Thor was going to miss this.

As the night went on, dear Hannah started to get tired; Thor knew it was time to retire.

"Come along, my love, you need your rest." Hannah knew not to argue. It was for the best.

Thor helped her to her feet and then to their bed, Hannah got comfortable and laid down her head.

As Hannah cuddled up to her god of thunder, she fell into a deep and easy slumber.

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