Secrets- JETER

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This one is for JacquiHappy1. Hope you enjoy!


Peter and Jacqui had been together for a long time. They had their ups and downs just like any other couple but even through the toughest of times, they pulled though. Deep down in his heart, Peter knew that Jacqui was the one for him and he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her.


For a while now, Peter had been planning to propose to Jacqui. Being raised a gentleman (thanks to Aunt May), Peter asked for Tony's permission before popping the question. Tony had been there through everyone one of Jacqui's relationships and while he felt that no one would ever be good enough for his adopted daughter, he knew that Peter was a good kid and would love and take care of Jacqui no matter what. With Tony's blessing, Peter was finally able to ask the woman he loved with all his heart to marry him.


For weeks had been planning the perfect proposal but no matter what he thought of, it just wasn't good enough. One idea was too cheesy, the next not romantic enough. Peter would walk around muttering to himself and whenever Jacqui would try and confront him, he'd make up some lame excuse and leave. This was deeply concerning to Jacqui as this wasn't like Peter at all. Then a scary thought occurred to her. Maybe he was having an affair. She was all ready to go after Peter to confirm her suspicions but before she could do anything, Jacqui was called away on a special top secret mission...


Over the next few days, Peter had noticed that Jacqui had been disappearing at night. He had tried asking her about it but she just told him she was working. When Peter tried to press the subject, Jacqui just told him to butt out (although worded more strongly). Much like Jacqui, Peter came to the conclusion that maybe she was having an affair.


One night, one of Peter's friends was having a bachelor party. As the age old tradition goes, they went to a strip club. Peter didn't really want to go but they kind of dragged him out. For most of the night, Peter kept his eyes glued to the edge of stage but then a certain name caught his attention.

"Gentlemen, gentlemen please welcome to the stage, Miss Jacqui Lynn!" Peter glanced at her feet. He recognised those strappy heels as he spent hours shopping with her and helping her pick them out. His eyes traced up her ankles, over her legs and torso and finally to her face.

"J-Jacqui?!" Jacqui blew the crowd a kiss before starting on her routine. Peter sat there like a stunned beast as he watched his girlfriend up on stage. Jacqui gave a flirty wink and went untie the strings of her top. This is where Peter drew the line. He jumped up on the stage, coving her with his jacket and started dragging her off the stage. The crowd all booed him and security was rushing to them.

"Peter?! What the hell are you doing?!"

"Getting you out of here!" Jacqui got out of his grip, pulled him backstage and called off security.

"You don't control me Peter! I can do whatever I want!"

"I know that! All this time I was scared you were cheating on me! Now I find out you're doing this!" Jacqui growled and pinched the bridge of her nose.

"I'm undercover! We know there's a Hydra agent that frequents this joint but I haven't seen him yet!" she hissed. Peter's eyes widened and his face turned red.

"Besides, how do I know that you're not the one cheating on me? You're the one that's been so secretive lately!"

"I was..." Peter sighed. Well, there was no point in hiding it now. "I was planning on proposing to you." Peter got down on one knee and Jacqui teared up.

"I spent so much time trying to plan the perfect moment but all I really wanted to do was this. I want to marry you, Jacqui Stark and I... I left the ring at home," he said with slight embarrassment.

"Of course I'll marry you Peter!" she grinned. Peter stood up so he could kiss her. They kissed passionately before having to break away for air.

"I love you, Peter Parker," she smiled.

"I love you too and, um... I know it's not my place to say this, but could you ask someone else to take over this mission? Call me old fashioned but I think I should be the only guy that gets to see you like this..."

"Looks like old man Cap's been rubbing off on you," she teased.


So that was it. Peter gave Jacqui the ring when they got home which had been carefully chosen by Aunt May. Jacqui eventually did find someone to cover the mission for her and they caught the guy. The Avengers now all had a wedding to look forward and out of all them, Tony was the most excited for the happy couple.

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