Christmas Special- The Whole Family: Christmas Day

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I know I'm a bit late but here's the Christmas Day special with the whole family! Hope you all had a good day no matter what you celebrate.


MarielaCasta (Bruela)

Yavanna80 (Claia)

MaximoffsGirl (Wecca)

Jill_Laufeyson (Jilloki)

Belle_of_Asgard (Thannah)

marvelgrl600 (Scodi)

And me (Stilly)!


It was Christmas Day in the Barton household. Clint and Laia had been up since 6am due to their energetic son wanting to open his presents. Thomas had gotten everything he asked for and Natalie had received the puppy she wanted. Clint had been slightly worried that Lucky might get jealous but in the end, he treated the new puppy like his own baby. As the kids all played with the dogs, Clint and Laia started preparing for Christmas lunch. Every year, the Avengers all took turns to host Christmas and this year it was the Barton's turn.


A few hours later, the Avengers started to arrive. The kids all went to play with each other while the adults helped set up for lunch. Hannah wanted to help but Thor wouldn't let her.

"Thor, I'm pregnant; not disabled. The least I can do is chop up vegetables," she told him. It took some convincing but Thor reluctantly allowed her to help, provided that Hannah took regular breaks.

"So Laia, did Clint and the kids spoil you rotten?" Lilly grinned, as she helped with the preparations.

"Clint got me a foot spa kit. He promised me that he'd give me a pamper session after the kids go to bed," Laia grinned back.

"How are things going between you and Loki going, Jill?" Mariela asked.

"They've been great! Loki said he had a special gift that he was going to give me later..." The girls all 'oohed' and teased her a little.

"Oh, before I forget, Pietro said he couldn't make it here today. He wanted to but he and his girlfriend rented a cabin to go skiing but they got snowed in and won't be out for a while. They send their love though," Wanda told them. With everyone helping, they soon had the preparations finished and the food cooking.


Meanwhile, Bruce was supervising the kids while they played. The girls were painting each other's nails, Thomas was playing with Lucky and the new puppy and the toddlers were all wandering around just interacting with everything. Aerwyna noticed Bruce sitting on the couch and toddled up to him, crawling onto his lap.

"Hi, sweetheart," he smiled. Aerwyna noticed the slight stubble on his jaw and touched it with her small hands. This was so weird! Wanda and Becca didn't have scratchy faces. Why did Uncle Bruce? Bruce laughed at the adorable expression on her face. He continued watching the kids until it was time for lunch.


After enjoying a wonderful feast together, the Avengers were all sitting around the table stuffed to the gills.

"Let's all thank the girls on a fantastic meal!" Tony said, raising his glass.

"Scott, Vision and Steve all helped too," Jodi corrected.

"I stand by my statement!"

"Okay, no more eggnog for Tony." They all laughed except for Loki who seemed to be deep in thought. Jill turned to look at him.

"You okay, babe? You've been awfully quiet..." Loki smiled warmly at her.

"I'm fine, dear. I was just thinking that it was time for me to give you your present..." Everyone was watching as Loki got out of his chair and pulled Jill to her feet. Bruce smiled, knowing what the god was about to do as he had come to him earlier in the week to ask for his blessing.

"Jillian, my darling... The years we have spent together are so precious to me. You are the love of my life, my queen and one day I would like to call you the mother of my children..." Loki got down one knee making Jill tear up.

"Will you marry me?" he asked, presenting a small box with a gorgeous engagement ring inside.

"Yes, Loki! Yes!" Loki slipped the ring on her finger as the rest of the team all cheered for the couple. Jill kissed him as he stood up causing more cheers and a few 'ewws' coming from the kids.

"This was the best Christmas present ever," Jill smiled at her now fiancé.


At the end of the day, everyone went home happy and full. Those with children went home early to get an early, while those without children stayed to help Clint and Laia clean up with the exception of Loki and Jill (who presumably went home to get a head start on making a family). Everyone could agree that this was the best Christmas the team had spent together so far.

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