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A/N: I decided to write a little bit of angst for myself so prepare for feels! (Also kinda cliché but meh)


It had been coming for a long time now. Lilly had been spending a lot of her time with the super soldiers of the team and day by day, she could feel herself falling for them. They were both handsome, both charming, both everything she could ever ask for. There was only one problem; they had both fallen for Lilly and wanted her for themself. It had started with a few backhanded remarks, then snarky comments then full on arguments. It was beginning to affect their friendship.


One afternoon, they were in the middle of a heated argument, not caring who was watching.

"I'm telling you, I'm a better boyfriend for her!" Bucky yelled.

"No, I am! I can provide for her far better than you can!" Steve argued back. Lilly heard them shouting. They had been fighting a lot lately but she never knew why. So far, they had managed to keep her out of their personal scuffles but that was about to change.

"Guys, what's going on?" Lilly asked, entering the room. The two men spun in the direction of her voice.

"Lilly! Choose one of us to be your boyfriend!" Bucky said, rushing over to her.


"Please, Lilly," Steve begged.

"Is this what you guys have been fighting about?"

"Yeah, so choose!" Lilly suddenly went pale.

"I... I need time to think..." She turned to leave but Bucky grabbed her wrist.

"Where are you going?!" Lilly snatched her hand back.

"Just leave me alone!" She fled to the safety of her room.

"That was not cool guys; putting her on the spot like that. Not cool at all," Clint growled. They both sighed. They knew what they did was unfair on Lilly but their emotions had just boiled over. They went by her room to apologise to her but she refused to let them in. They didn't blame her.


For days, Lilly just stayed in her room. She didn't even leave to go to her workshop. The others had tried to coax her to come out but it was no use. She was hurting. They all blamed Steve and Bucky for putting Lilly in this state. They blamed themselves too. Finally, after about a week, Lilly came out of her room. She found the two soldiers sitting silently on the couch.

"Guys... We need to talk." The men looked up at her with surprise and sadness. Steve patted the empty spot between him and Bucky but Lilly shook her head.

"I've made a decision..."

"What is it?" Two sets of hopeful blue eyes stared at her. She looked away as tears threatened to spill.

"I've decided... to go back home."

"But... you are home," Steve said confused.

"No, Steve... I mean Australia." They were shocked.

"Is this because of us? Because we can stop fighting-"

"Steve it isn't just you. I'm homesick and I miss my family."

"We are your family," Bucky argued.

"I know but I miss my parents. Some of my cousins have kids I haven't even met... I need some time away from here. I need to do this. I'm sorry." Lilly was in tears by the time she had finished.

"You can't!"

"James, please! I need to go!" Bucky stood up and Steve followed him, leaving Lilly alone and crying.


Bucky ran off but Steve was hot on his heels.

"Buck!" Steve called. Bucky turned, looking furiously at him.

"It's not fair, Steve! She can't go!"

"You think I like it?! You think I want her to leave?! Because I don't!"

"Then let's talk to her! Make her stay!"

"Buck... That's not fair to her."

"Not fair?! Her leaving is not fair! The team needs her!"

"The team needs her, or do you need her?" Bucky stopped to think about his words.

"You're being really selfish! We can't keep Lilly from her family," Steve said in a stern tone of voice.

"They could come here," Bucky muttered.

"Now you're just being childish."

"What do you want me to say, Steve? That I don't want her to go? That the very thought of her leaving terrifies me? I just..." he sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm gonna miss her."

"I know, Bucky. Me too but we have to let her go. It's the right thing to do."


A few days later, everyone was at the airport to say goodbye to Lilly. Tony had gotten her first class tickets even though she told him not to. His excuse was that he wanted to make sure that she was well taken care of until she arrived home. Lilly hugged him tight.

"I promise to bring you some AC/DC stuff when I come back." They both smiled at that, despite the tears. Lilly said her goodbyes to everyone when finally it was Bucky's turn. He didn't look at her. Lilly cupped his face.

"James... please look at me," she begged. The moment they made eye contact, tears streamed down his face.

"I'm sorry. I need to go but I promise you that I will come back." Bucky enveloped her in a tight hug.

"I know but promise me you'll come back in one piece, okay?" She nodded against his chest. When Bucky released her, it was Steve's turn.

"We're going to miss you around here."

"I know and I'm going to miss you too." Steve held onto her until it was time for her to board. They watched her go and little by little the team slowly left until only Steve and Bucky remained. As they watched Lilly's plane go out of sight, they could only wish her a safe journey back home and more importantly, a safe journey back to them.

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