Christmas Special- STILLY: Winter Wonderland

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Day seven is for me! Seven days already!

Mentions of MarielaCasta


Steve and Lilly had been together for a year now and it was all thanks to baby Grant. If Mariela had never had gotten pregnant, the couple would probably be still exchanging shy glances to this day. They owed a lot to that small boy.


It snowed last night. When Lilly first saw the blanket of freshly fallen snow, she begged Steve to go outside with her. Steve chuckled at her childlike enthusiasm and went to put on his winter clothes. Lilly happily did the same and ran out into the cold. Steve followed with a smile.

"I've been here for about three years and I'm still not used winter in December..." Lilly admitted

"That's right. You normally have summer in December don't you?"

"Yeah... Christmases back home consisted of running through sprinklers, water fights and swimming in pools... Having a winter Christmas reminds me of all the movies I used to watch as a kid." Steve smiled at her story. The couple walked around in the snowy park for a while before Lilly got a cheeky idea. While Steve wasn't looking, she threw a snowball at him. Steve blinked slowly and looked at his girlfriend who burst into peals of laughter.

"Oh, is that how you're going to play?" he grinned, picking up some snow. Lilly squealed and laughed as she got ready to defend herself. The two of them continued throwing snowballs at each other until Lilly held up her hands.

"Truce! I call a truce!" she declared. Steve cautiously approached. Often at the tower when a truce was called, it led to utter chaos.

"I'm not going to throw another snowball at you. I was just going to ask... Do you wanna build a snowman?" she grinned. Steve laughed and nodded. They began with base; rolling a big ball of snow, then a medium sized ball and finally a smaller one for the head. Steve got some sticks for the arms while Lilly searched for small rocks or anything small they could use to make a face with. Steve put the arms on and Lilly made a crooked smiley out of the rocks she had found, adding some bottle caps for buttons. The couple stood back to admire their work.

"It's cute," Steve smiled.

"Yeah... I can't help feel like it's missing something though..." Lilly thought for a moment before she suddenly got an idea. She peeked into a knothole and found an abandoned nest. There were all sorts of little 'treasures' inside. Lilly spotted a faded blue ribbon and took it out to tie around the snowman's neck.

"There! Now he's perfect!" she giggled. Steve grinned and nodded. They stood there for a while before moving on, leaving the happy snowman behind. They continued walking around for a little before heading in for a hot chocolate. Snow started falling while they drank and they watched as it gracefully fall to the ground. Lilly and Steve went back out again when it got darker to look at the twinkling lights reflecting off the freshly fallen snow. New York in the winter truly was a magical time.

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