Christmas Special- WECCA: Blanket Fort

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Day three goes to MaximoffsGirl!


For the longest time, Becca and Wanda knew that they wanted children in their lives. They started off with adoption. When they first saw the file for seven-year-old Viktoria from Sokavia, they knew she was the one for them. Not long after that, the couple went through IVF treatment which resulted in their beautiful baby girl, Aerwyna. At first, the couple were slightly worried that Viktoria would be jealous of the baby but in the end, there was nothing to be concerned about. She absolutely adored her little sister and Aerwyna loved her in return.


As it was now December, the girls had been busily decorating the house for Christmas. After they had finished, they went into the kitchen to make cookies. While waiting for the cookies to come out of the oven, Wanda and Becca noticed something. It was quiet. Viktoria was usually a very active little girl and Aerwyna was at that stage where she babbled a lot. Silence was suspicious. The couple searched for the girls and found them in the living room... in the middle of a huge mess. There were blankets, pillows, cushions and plushies everywhere. Viktoria was in the process of trying to hang a rug over a chair.

"What do you think you're doing?" Wanda asked. Viktoria froze and looked up at her mothers. One-year-old Aerwyna giggled and ran up to hug Becca's leg.

"I was... trying to make a blanket fort," the little girl admitted. The two women smiled.

"We can help you but first we have to wait for the cookies to come out the oven, okay?" Viktoria smiled and nodded. Wanda helped tidy up the living room while Becca kept an eye on the cookies. Fifteen minutes later, the cookies were baked and cooling. While that was happening, the family worked on making the blanket fort. Wanda started with the base, laying a few plush blankets down first. Becca made the foundation next, draping thinner blankets over chairs, creating the perfect space inside. Viktoria helped make the inside extra comfortable by arranging the pillows and blankets and Aerwyna helped by, well... grabbing all the plushies she could and dumping them everywhere.

"Mamina, can we eat our cookies in here? Pleeeeaaase?" Viktoria looked up at Wanda expectantly.

"Why not?" she smiled.

"Yay!" Viktoria rushed into the kitchen with her baby sister hot on her heels. Aerwyna had no clue what was going on but her big sister was excited so it had to be good! Becca helped get the cookies into the blanket fort while Wanda carefully got milk. They ate the cookies and cuddled, all bonding as a happy family.

"Mama, can I sleep in here tonight?" Viktoria asked. Becca thought carefully. Well, it wasn't like she had school the next day.

"Okay, but just this once. Go brush your teeth, put your pyjamas on and we'll all watch a Christmas movie together, okay?"

"Okay, mama!" Viktoria went to just that while Wanda changed Aerwyna into her little pyjamas. Once they were all comfy, they settled down to watch 'How the Grinch Stole Christmas'. Aerwyna had fallen asleep within the first fifteen minutes so Becca took her and tucked her in. When the movie was over, Viktoria kissed both her mothers goodnight and settled into the blanket fort that they had all created together.

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