Christmas Special- SCODI: Reunited

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Day six is dedicated to marvelgrl600. It has a bit of a sad start but I promise it has a happy ending.

I'm kind of combining ideas from MarielaCasta and MaximoffsGirl.


It had been a month since Jodi and Scott had broken up. To save face, Jodi had moved out of the Avengers Tower and in with her Jennifer. She kept in touch with the others and still went on missions but it wasn't the same. Scott was hurting too. How could he could be so stupid as to let her go?


Jen had been doing everything she could get Jodi out of the house.

"Come on, Jodi. You've been moping around for weeks. I know you're still recovering from your break up with Scott but you have to get out of the house sometime..."

"No thanks. I'm chilling with my good friends Ben and Jerry," she said, shovelling another spoonful of red velvet ice cream into her mouth.

"Let's go ice skating like we used to do when we were kids... I'll buy you a whole box red velvet cupcakes..."

"Fine, but I'm only doing it for the cupcakes," Jodi sighed.


As much as Jodi usually enjoyed ice skating with her sister, it did very little to lift her mood. She missed Scott. She missed his kisses. She missed his cheesy jokes. She just missed him. Jodi was lost in her thoughts that she didn't notice the other person until she bumped into them and fell on top of them.

"I'm so sorry! I was deep in thought and I wasn't looking where I was going and... Scott?"

"Jodi..." Jodi quickly moved off of him and he helped her up.

"What are you doing here?" he asked.

"Ice skating with my sister. What are you doing here?"

"Ice skating with Cassie." Before Jodi could say another word, she was enveloped in a tight hug by a smaller person.

"Jodi! I missed you so much!" Cassie smiled. Jodi smiled and hugged the little girl.

"Hi, Cassie! I missed you too." Jen saw the three of them and skated over. After exchanging greetings, Jen took Cassie to get a hot chocolate from a nearby stall so that Jodi and Scott could have some privacy. After a few moments of awkward silence, Scott finally spoke up.

"Jodi, I... I'm sorry. Can we work things out?"

"You hurt me Scott... You said some pretty hateful things..."

"I know, I know. I was an idiot. The day we broke up, I just had a monster of a day. I should never have taken it out on you and I would take it all back if I could... You're all I can think about and Cassie misses you so much... Please... Take me back..." Jodi's heart melted for his puppy dog eyes.

"You've got a lot to make up for mister..."

"Does... Does that mean you'll take me back?"

"Well... We were meant to be spending our first Christmas with Cassie together..." Last year may have been Scott and Jodi's Christmas as a couple but it was Maggie's turn to have their daughter for the holidays. Scott smiled widely at Jodi and hugged her tight. They still had a lot of issues to work out but a month after their break up, Scott and Jodi were finally back together and just in time for Christmas! They couldn't wait to tell everyone the good news that they were finally a couple again.

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