Egg Hunt- The Whole Family

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Happy Easter everyone! Hope you enjoyed your day.


MarielaCasta (Bruela)

Yavanna80 (Claia)

MaximoffsGirl (Wecca)

marvelgrl600 (Scodi)

Jill_Laufeyson (Jilloki)

Belle_of_Asgard (Thannah)

And me (Stilly)


It was Easter Sunday. The Avengers were going to the park to watch the kids participate in the annual Easter egg hunt. Tony had gotten all the kids a big Easter present each because he just loved spoiling them all. They were basically like his own nieces and nephews. The kids were absolutely thrilled. Even Hannah and Thor showed up with their new baby triplets. Eventually they all made their way to the park. When Steve saw his sister and nephew, he smiled and walked over to them.

"Hi, buddy!" he greeted. Grant babbled angrily at him and waddled off in a huff, leaving poor Steve confused.

"Don't take it personally, Stevie. He's currently in a 'Don't talk to me, don't even look in my general direction' sort of mood at the moment," Mariela giggled. Steve nodded in understanding and gave the present that he and Lilly had picked out to Mariela to give to Grant later. Once all the kids had arrived, they all gathered together and elected Cassie as their leader. They ran off to begin the hunt after a reminder from their parents not to eat too much chocolate.


While the children searched for the eggs, the adults set up a picnic lunch. Jill wanted to help with bigger but the girls made her sit out or do smaller jobs.

"I still can't believe you're pregnant already. You only just got engaged in December," Jodi commented.

"Well, what did you expect, Jodes? They've been going at it like rabbits ever since Loki proposed," Laia grinned. They all laughed at that and it wasn't exactly like the couple could deny it. After setting up, they all simply watched the children run around collecting eggs. At some point, poor little Aerwyna fell over in her haste and started crying, more surprised than hurt. Being a good big sister, Viktoria picked her up and brought her over to her mothers. Wanda fussed over the toddler.

"Aw, it's okay, it's okay. Mamina's, Mamina's got you," Wanda cooed. Aerwyna clung to her and sniffled. Wanda brushed away her tears and kissed the top of her head. Becca smiled at the two of them, adoring the way Wanda was with their smallest daughter. She then hugged Viktoria.

"I'm so proud of you, sweetheart," Becca smiled. Viktoria smiled and hugged her back before going off to play again. Aerwyna just wanted to be held for a while so they let her sit on her lap until she was ready to go out.


Once all the eggs had been found, the kids settled down for lunch. They had their own little spot to eat together while the adults had a spot to watch them from. The children ate a few of their chocolate eggs after they had finished lunch before getting right back up to play again. The adults all relaxed and chatted about various things and supervised the happy bunch of kids.


It was quite late in the day when the Avengers decided to pack it up. The babies were cranky and in desperate need of a nap and some of the older children went home with tummy aches despite the repeated warnings about eating too much chocolate. It had been a long day but at least the kids had fun and it was nice catching up with everyone again. With a birthday coming up, it wouldn't be long before they were all reunited once more.

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