Baby Shower- SCODI

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This one goes out to -GammaRayGal- I'm also putting a warning for pure, unadulterated fluff.

Also featuring:-

Yavanna80 (Claia)

MarielaCasta (Bruela)

Ash-Rogers (Stash)

And me!


Jodi woke to the feeling of her husband kissing her cheek.

"Just let me sleep," she groaned.

"No can do, babe. Today the girls want to take you out to buy baby stuff," Scott said, placing his hand on Jodi's pregnant belly. They beamed at each other when they felt the baby kick. Scott helped her sit up and she rubbed her face.

"I don't know the first thing about getting baby stuff. Yeah I know the basic essentials; crib, changing table, stroller and car seat but other than that, I'm clueless," she sighed.

"It's okay, because Laia will be going with you and she's had two kids." Jodi smiled at him. "Now come on, we've gotta swing by my ex's to pick Cassie up before we go."


Meanwhile, the girls were at the Tower busily preparing for Jodi's baby shower. Tony wanted to make it a big bash but he was quickly shot down and the women arranged the whole thing.

"I can't believe my little sister is having a baby!" Jen said happily. "And before me..."

"At least you've got a boyfriend, Jen," Lilly supplied.

"That's right, I keep forgetting you're the last one standing Lil." Lilly merely shrugged in response. Soon the others started to arrive. Laia walked in with her two daughters; three-year-old Natalie and six-month-old Charlotte. Mariela's face lit up when she saw them. Laia put Natalie on the ground and she toddled over to Natasha.

"Can I hold her?" Mariela asked as Laia got Charlotte out of her stroller.

"Of course," Laia smiled, handing over the baby. Mariela smiled as she cuddled Charlotte.

"You'll be the next one having a baby, Mari," Laia teased.

"Laia, Bruce and I only just got engaged. If anyone's having a baby next, it's Steve and Ash; they're the newlyweds," she blushed.

"I still think you'll end up having kids. What do you think, Lotti? Should Bruela have babies?" Charlotte gave a happy squeal.

"Everyone, they're coming!" Everyone hid as Scott and Jodi entered the Tower.

"Why's it so dark in here?" Jodi wondered out loud. Suddenly, the lights went on.

"Surprise!" everyone called.

"HAPPY BIRSDAY!" Natalie yelled at the top of her voice making them all laugh.

"Scott... what's all this?" Jodi asked, turning to him.

"Your baby shower," he smiled. Jodi watched as Cassie placed a gift on a table with the rest of them. When Scott had told her Cassie was going to a birthday party later, she had been sceptical but she certainly hadn't been expecting this.

"I'll be back later to pick you up," he said, giving her a quick kiss.


A while later, everyone had played some games and Jodi had opened all the presents. They were all chatting amongst themselves as things started to quiet down. A thought suddenly occurred to Jodi.

"Hey, Laia?"

"Yeah, Jodes?"

"Does giving birth really hurt as much as they say it does?"

"Um... I've gotta put the girls down for a nap," Laia replied before practically running away. This worried Jodi a little. Mariela gave her a comforting smile and Ash placed a hand on knee.

"So Ash, how long until you and Steve have a b... one of these," she said, pointing to her stomach as she suddenly remembered the peg game was still in play. A faint blush crossed her face.

"We haven't really discussed it yet. I know Steve wants one, and I want one, so maybe there could be some Stash babies in the near future." She mentally cursed at herself and took a peg from her top.

"Okay, who wants it?"

"Me!" Mariela grinned, taking the peg from her.


At the end of the day, Scott had put all the gifts from the baby shower into the nursery and helped Jodi get into bed.

"You knew about the party the whole time, didn't you?"

"Yep," he said proudly.

"I'm surprised you kept a secret for so long," she grinned.

"Hey, give me a little credit. I'm not as bad as Luis."

"That is true, but you're still a dork."

"You're right, but I'm your dork and you love me," he said, placing his hand on her belly.

"Yeah, I do. What do you think, kid? Do you love your dorky daddy?" The baby kicked in response and they smiled.

"I'll take that as a yes." As Jodi fell asleep, she couldn't help but think of how amazing today had been.

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