Dazed- CLAIA

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This of course is for Yavanna80! I kind of based this on an internet video I saw once.


Ever since Clint and Laia had started a family, the couple had retired. At least, they were meant to be. Fury had called Clint away on a mission. Laia knew that he could handle himself and he had Nat to watch his back but it didn't stop her from worrying. In the meantime, she had the support of her friends to help look after her three children.


A few weeks later, Laia got the call from Nat saying that Clint had been badly hurt on the mission. Laia immediately called someone to babysit the kids and went straight to the hospital.


Clint had been out for days and Laia had sat by his bedside watching him. Nat tried to get her to move but it was no use. The ex-assassin at least brought her something to eat and drink from time to time. Finally, one day, Clint opened his eyes.

"Clint!" He blinked slowly a few times, trying to keep his eyes open before frowning and trying to pull out the cords that were attached to him.

"No, don't do that." Laia put her hand over his to stop him. He blinked slowly at her.

"What... What happened to me?" Clint had been given morphine to numb any pain he might've been in but it also made him very dopy.

"You were on a mission and got hurt," Laia gently explained. He stared at the ceiling and frowned.

"What am I? Am I a superhero?" He said, looking at Laia like a confused puppy.

"Yep. One of the best," she smiled.

"Whoa... Who are you? What's your name?"

"My name's Laia." He stared at her.

"Oh... Do you work here?"

"Nope. I'm your wife."

"You're my wife?! Oh, man, I hit the jackpot!" he grinned, placing his hands over his face. Laia had to bite her lip to prevent herself from laughing.

"How long we been married for?" he asked, looking up at her with wide blue eyes.

"A long time," she said with a fond smile.

"Huh... Do we got kids?"

"Uh-huh. A little girl and two boys."

"Wow... If our girl's as pretty as you then I'm gonna kick- I'm gonna kick any boy's ass that comes near 'er."

"Sure you will, baby," she said, affectionately placing her hand on the side of his face. Clint leant into her touch and closed his eyes. Laia smiled and stroked his cheek with her thumb, just enjoying the moment.

"I must be good in the sack if we have three kids," he commented, opening his eyes.

"Clint!" Laia giggled. There was suddenly a knock on the door.

"I'll be back in a bit, okay?"

"Yeah..." he groaned. Laia pecked his lips before getting up to answer the door.

"And she's got a great ass too..." She heard him comment as she crossed the room. Laia stifled a laugh as she opened the door.

"Hey, Laia. How is he today?" Nat asked.

"He's awake now. High as a kite and not a clue what's going on but at least he's not in pain. You wanna see him?" She nodded and Laia let her in. Clint looked up as the two women entered.

"Who are you? Are you- are you me and Laia's daughter?" he asked.

"I see what you mean," Nat muttered to Laia, making her grin. Clint looked at the pair expectantly.

"My name's Natasha. I was with you when you got hurt." He frowned slightly.

"What happened? Was I being all cool and stuff?" The two of them tried not to laugh.

"Yeah, you were really cool," she said, humouring him.

"Awesome..." He looked up at the ceiling again and blinked slowly.

"Okay, I can see you need your rest so I'll go now. I just wanted to see how you were going."

"M'kay. Bye-bye Nat," he muttered, staring at a very interesting spot on the ceiling. Before she left, Nat pulled Laia aside.

"Before I forget, Stark has installed a small camera in here for security purposes... You're probably going to want to get a hold of that footage." Laia grinned at her.

"Oh, absolutely."


The days went by and Clint eventually recovered. His kids were absolutely thrilled to have daddy home again and Laia had to constantly remind them to be careful. Although it was Clint that needed the most reminders. One night, Laia received a video from Tony. Opening it, she saw it was it was the footage from the hospital.

"Hey, babe, come look at this..." Clint went over and Laia played the video.

"Is that... Me?" Clint asked.

"Sure is." As the footage played, Laia burst out laughing and Clint felt embarrassed.

"Do you... Do you remember any of this?" she asked between fits of laughter.

"Not really. My time in the hospital was kinda blurry. I think the last thing I remember is a few days before going out," he said, scratching the back of his neck.

"I'm not surprised. You were pretty out of it." Clint thought for a moment.

"Hey, babe?"

"Yeah, Clint?"

"How many people have seen this?"

"Well, Tony sent it to me so... probably everyone." Clint groaned in frustration.

"Hey, come on, you would've done the same to the others."

"You could be right about that. I've put up with worse so I'll just put up with it." Clint had to put up with weeks of teasing before the next event happened, although, the team would never let the archer live it down.

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