Christmas Special- JILLOKI: Christmas Shopping

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Day four foes to Jill_Laufeyson! A little bit of cheekiness in this chapter ;)


It was time to go Christmas shopping again. Jill decided to hit the malls before all the big sales started. Sure it may have been a little more expensive but at least they could get to the good stuff first and they didn't get trampled. The couple had gone to a big sale once. Poor Loki got groped and grabbed by strange women (not in the fun way) and Jill ended up with a few injuries. Never again would they attend the big sales.


After hours of trawling the mall, buying toys for the kids and the perfect gift for everyone else, they got a quick bite to eat before taking the presents to the car and went to do a little bit of window shopping. Loki didn't care much for shopping but he would do anything for his queen. Jill had him very well trained. The couple entered a clothing store and looked around. Jill wasn't looking for anything in particular but there were a few outfits that caught her eye so naturally, she went to try them on. Loki patiently waited outside the dressing room door however, he did get a little bored and his mind started to wander. His thoughts were interrupted by Jill poking her head out the door.

"Loki? Can you help me with the zipper of this dress?" she asked. Loki smirked and entered the dressing room. His long fingers smoothly pulled the zipper up and Jill thanked him.

"What do you think?" she smiled, giving him a twirl.

"I think... You look divine in that dress, my love," he smirked. "However, I much prefer how you look out of it..." Loki pinned her against the wall.

"You and your silver tongue," she giggled. Loki kissed her deeply. Jill smiled against his lips and wrapped her arms around his neck. They continued the kiss until air was required.

"How about we have a little fun?" Loki smirked. Jill nodded and the couple locked in another passionate embrace. That was until...

"Um, guys? Can you not? I'm here with my grandma," a voice from the stall next of them said.

"Shut up, René! They're gonna do it..." the voice of an older woman said with glee. The couple blushed and pulled apart.

"Perhaps we should wait until go home," Loki muttered.

"Yeah... Or at the very least until we get to the car," Jill winked. Loki smirked for a brief second until he heard the old woman cackle. Her granddaughter let out exasperated sigh. Jill got Loki to unzip the back of the dress and quickly pushed him out of the room before he got anymore ideas. Loki gave the old woman and her granddaughter a polite but slightly awkward smile as they walked past him and waited for Jill to come out. While she may not have bought the other outfits, she was definitely getting that dress. Loki smiled when she finally walked out.

"You've been such a good boy, shopping with me all day... Maybe I should reward you," she purred. Loki nodded and they quickly purchased the dress and headed to the car park as fast as they could.

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