-Chapter 6.

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Justins Pov.

How the hell did this happened? Me sleeping besides Selena, she is still sleeping peacefully. I get out of the bed, try not to wake her. I gaze at her for a while, before walking towards her bathroom.

Her bathroom is all decorated with crystals, not many, but not few either.

I turn the shower on, and go in, it is all nice and foggy. I'm kind of scared to wake Selena. She is very grumpy if someone wakes her up, well at least the Selena I know.

I look at the shampoo and shower cream, it is all for girls. I put the shampoo in my hair, Selena probably won't notice.

I get out of the shower, I grab the towel and rapped it around my waist. People must think I'm so self-centered. I look at myself and do some poses, before the door goes up. Crap I forgot to close the damn door!

A sleepy Selena comes in with Maddie, Selena's eyes went wide when she saw me looking at myself, she burst out laughing. Maddie gets out of her arms and runs out laughing herself.

"what the hell Justin" she couldn't contain herself, she is laying on the ground rolled up in, with her knees up to her chest.

"what do you mean?" I know what she means, it seems to be a reflect.

"looking at yourself, posing?" she gets up and give me a little slap on the arm. I blushed a little, and she laughed again uncontrollably.

"okay, that is enough, I'll go make breakfast" and walked out shaking her head.

Maddie comes in running with Melanie tight behind her. Maddie point at me.

"look I told you, Daddy thinks he is a model" they both laugh. I bend down holding the towel, I don't want to be all naked in front of my baby girls.

Melanie is still shy around me, and Maddie is just really loud.

"go down to mommy, she is making breakfast" I say, but they weren't even moving. They sat down and looked at me.

"please, princess daddy needs to get ready"

"fine, only if we get ice cream after" she sighs.

"ask you mommy" and they both run down stairs, they are so cute.

Maddie is wearing the Elsa pj and Melanie is wearing Anna. The frozen sisters.

I get back to get ready and I realize I didn't have any clothes to wear.

I walk back and force, don't know how to get pass this awkward situation.

I see some clothes on the edge of her shelf, I take it down, it was not what I expected. It is boy clothes and something I could actually fit.

When I fold the shirt out a little note falls out.

So I thought you might need this, and don't forget to put underwear on okay? And hurry up, breakfast is ready down stairs.

Oh and I hope you haven't gained weight, you haven't worn this for a long time.

Selena J

God. How can she know me so well, she knows that I often don't put underwear on?

When I got to put the pants on, it was really tight, I have also grown up, got taller. So the pants were not long enough.

I get down stairs, it all smells like pancakes and bacon. Near the stove I see, Selena flipping the pancake. She is in her lingerie, so sexy.

She puts the plate in front of me, and just took me, at staring at her.

My face turned tomato red.

"eat please" she says and winked at me, that only made me blush even more.

I take a bite of the fluffy pancake, it is still warm, that maple syrup is really yummy.

"daddy we have to go now" Maddie screams suddenly.

"what where?" I was chewing my pancake.

"please don't talk with food in your mouth" Melanie says and shakes her head in disappointment. They all just laughed and I was just humiliated.

3 girls are really though! I feel like a clown with them.

I never thought, I will be surrounded with this many girls, and have no sex. I can't remember where I heard it, but it was genius.

"they have to go to preschool" Selena says and take my plate form me.

"hey I was eating" I protest like a little baby.

"when we get back, baby" she says in her best motherly voice.

We buckled the girls in, they have pigtails in their hair, Melanie called them spiders and screamed. It was really funny.

Selena drives because, I got my license taken. Well I get it back soon, but she thinks I still have it. I'm probably playing it wrong, lying to her, but I like to play cool.

"bye daddy" they both say, I didn't realize we got to the preschool, I get out of the car, to follow them inside, Maddie and Melanie hold up they little hand and Melanie says.

"don't daddy, we want to go by our self" and walked away sassily.

My jaw dropped, how can I get dissed by my own daughters, not once in a while, but often.

"come on old man, before the pap comes" Selena smirked at me from the car.

I sit beside her and she takes my hand. Damn she is playing with my feelings.

Has she forgiven me? I hope so!

see ya

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