-Chapter 12

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Selenas Pov

Did I hear correctly? He has other kids? The tears are running down my cheeks, Justin looks sad at me. What does he want me to say? Is not every day you boyfriend or the father of your babies? As much as I hate this, I don't want the kid to grow without her daddy.

Justin has slept with a lot of people since we broke things off last time. Its easy for people to say Justin got me pregnant.

"How do you know she is yours" I say.
It's kind of awkward, when Taylor is in here with us. She looked surprised at first, but the pen she kind of had a moment where she was thinking, not surprising.


"she took a DNA test, I mean what could go wrong?" he was seemingly surprised, I mean can he be any dumber? She could pull a prank on us. And we would not even know. He always wants to believe the best in people.

Except his fans, he kept running off the stage, he thought they were after him, because they were screaming at his concert, they go there to see their Idol and enjoy themselves, but we eventually knocked some sense in him.

"HOW THE HELL DO YOU KNOW IS THE TRUTH? SHE COULD LIE TO YOU" I yelled at him, this is worse than our many break ups.

"she won't lie to me" he says, still not believing me.

I get off the stool, took off to our bedroom. I locked the door, so Justin couldn't get in. I crash down on the bed, burying my face on my knees. My tears were like water fall.

Justin knocked on the door, I didn't answer. I know he's not going to leave me alone, until I let him in.

"babe let me in, please?" he asks with a soft voice.

I grab a pillow, throwing it at the door.

"leave me the fuck alone!" I Shout with all that I have.

I wait for an answer, but instead I hear a cry, oh no I woke up the kids. Great now they are upset too. Taylor just put them to bed.

I honestly don't know what I want, I mean, I can't just make him tell me something, that is not true. She might be his daughter, but I can't change that. He didn't know about her, like he didn't know about Melanie.

I collect the strength, to get up from the bed, I was rolled like a ball, so it was difficult to get up.

I unlock the door, and step out. The girls were both crying. When they noticed my appearance, their faces changes. The confusion was all across their face.

"mommy?" Melanie asked, and went over to me as I bend down to hug her.

"why is mommy crying" Maddie asked sadly and confused.

"your daddy was being a dick" Taylor answered before me and Justin could answer.

"what is a dick" she asked more confused than before.

"Nothing baby auntie said something you don't need to know" I say, giving Taylor a death glare. She should learn to watch her mouth, she is about to have a baby, in like 3 months.

I need to talk with Justin alone, we need to talk. We can't just argue, with no sense.

"I need to talk with daddy" I say letting go of Melanie and hugged Maddie. Before walking back in to the bedroom, this time Justin was following.

Its gonna be interesting how this goes

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