-Chapter 32.

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Selena POV

When I got home from the grocery store, I found Justin laying on the ground. Well Maddie kicked his private.

I didn't want to believe him, my girl kicking her own dad. Maddie and Justin were the only ones home.

Justin wants me not yell at Maddie, but how can I? Justin might have not been there all the way in her life, but she wouldn't be here without him.

I make myself upstairs to her room,she had locked her door obviously.

"Maddie?"I knock gently.

"Go away, I hate you" she screamed, there she crossed the line. She has never been this way before. My blood is boiling.

"MADISON CLAIRE BIEBER-GOMEZ open up that door NOW" I yell banging on the door.

Inside I hear steps and unlocking the door, Maddie was looking awful. Her cheeks were stained and swollen eyes.

"Mom" she said and hugged me, I was stunned. That I wasn't expecting, I thought she would yell at me or tell me to go, but not apparently.

It took me a few moments to hug her back.

"You want to tell mommy why you kicked dad?" And pulled her away.

"Not now"

"All right then, but maybe later. Now get ready for dinner Aunt Taylor is coming over "

"Okay, but I need to talk to you and dad"

"It's fine, we will always be here for you baby" and walked down to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

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