-Chapter 17.

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Selenas POV

I ran inside of the school building, I mean how mean can girls be? Honestly rightly now, I'm a mess, I have Taylor in mind, my little Emory and Maddie.

I haven't been at miss montes office before, I Normally just drop Emory of at her building or her class room should I say.

I ran as quick as I could, I'm so out of shape. By the time I found her office, I was so out of breath that I had to take a moment before I went in.

Before even I step in, I hear a heartbreaking cry. My Emory.

"I want mommy" she sobs, she wasn't facing me, so she had no clue I was here.

Immediately I rushe to be by her side.

"Mommy is here baby" pulling her close to me, I love the smell of my baby girl. Why can't she always stay this little?

I forgot we were at school, until Miss montes approached us and took a seat, which made a wired noice.

"So there has been a five and a six year old, who have been saying stuff, not good things and made her feel bad" Miss Montes said and folded her and in front of her.

"So six and five years old girls in pre school?" I was trying really hard not to be rude and just yell at her.

"Yes, they go to our kindergarten" she says calmly, it's making me more angry.

"When are they going to be here? I sure hope their parents will be here" I spoke louder this time. Emory shivered in my arms.

"They will, they have class to finish first, they're off at 2pm" she said, still calm. I swear this woman, can make me so stressed beyond stressed.

Like the feeling when you're standing in line at Ralph's and there is an old woman complaining about everything, and you're already late.

After ten minutes the bell rang and I heard som knocking on the door. The girls cam in and I couldn't see their faces.

"Mommy? What are you doing here?" I heard someone say, and I turned around to see!

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