-Chapter 15

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Justin's Pov.

I heard someone ringing the door bell, none of us answered the door. The person behind the door open it without an answer.

When the person comes into the hall way, Selena's eyes widen.

I see an extremely pregnant woman, she was all dressed up in grandma clothes.

My eyes searched for her face, Taylor was standing in our hall way, way too pregnant. Selena told me she was only 6 month along, well only six month.

I know this might be the dumbest time to smirk, but I do have a huge smirk on my face.

"Justin! How can you look like that, she looks like if she is about to die" Selena hushed stressfully.

"I do not know baby, it's just I have never seen her this way before" I said.

Taylor ran inside to where Selena and I were standing, she yanked her hand, making her sit down with her. She broke down in tears. Taylor laid her head, on Selena's lap.

I know that Taylor is her friend, but I still felt kind of jealous. They're Taylena, but I don't know, we are Jelena J

Selena gave me a sign for me to leave them alone. I left without any saying.

I went to see my beautiful daughters, they were whispering and giggling. I was standing at the door, they didn't seem to notice me, so I was just watching them.

"daddy? Why are you watching us" Melanie asked me, I turned beef red. Busted at spying?

"I just want to see my little girls, it's that not legal?" I said laughing.

"daddy you're so weird" Maddie laughed.

Maddie and Melanie are so cute, I had always imagined my daughters, well one of them at least, would be named Emory. I think the reason that none of them are named Emory, is because, me and Selena wasn't at our best point in our relationship.

Don't get me wrong, I love the, they are literally my life now. One day we might have another baby girl and name her Emory.

"help me Justin come please" I suddenly hear, I got into the living room. I saw something I wish didn't.

"Justin, her water broke, we need to get her to the ER" Selena screamed.

"GIRLS WE NEED TO LEAVE" I shouted and the girls came out quickly, I'm glad they dressed them self. They followed their mommy and I'm glad they didn't notice Taylor.

"you're not having any contraction yet?" Selena asked the scared Taylor. Taylor just shook her head.

-----------------------------------------at the hospital------------------------------------------------

The ride was horrifying, Taylor was screaming. Now I can't hear anything on my left ear.

Selena went to the delivery room, only family, but Taylors moms is in Nashville, so she couldn't be here or her dad.

Me and the girls have been waiting for, what feels like hours. My girls felt asleep, they are sleeping on the waiting chair thing.

I hear a painful scream, finally she is getting somewhere. Considering that it's only been five hours, when Selena was in labor and stuff, she was in for 15 hours.

I went over to the door looking through the little glass on the door. Taylor is holding a pink little bundle of joy. They are so cute.

The waiting room it just outside the delivery room. We got a private room, since Taylor didn't want to do give birth in a more public room. So I didn't have to worry about, my daughters getting lost.

Selena come over and unlocked the door.

"come in Justin" she says giving me a squeeze on my arm.

Taylor had tears streaming down her face, she was so happy. I know we aren't exactly good friends, but I wished Calvin could have been here for her. Like I wished to be there when Melanie was born.

"what are you going to name her?" Selena asked looking happier than ever.

A/N so officially this chapter was going to be in Selena's Pov, but I wanted to make a Justin chapter, so I hoped you liked it. 

I'm sorry it's been so long since last update, I had a bunch of homework, and they had to be done in the same week, for like 6 subjects....

TINA :) 

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