-Chapter 39

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Justin's POV

Selena heard Emory, she was on the phone with a unknown Caller ID. They hung up right after Emory spoke.

We got down to the police station right away. The kids wanted to come, but we didn't want them to see Emory, if we did find her. Emory might be very fragile and might not be well.

Now we are waiting at the station for officer Manson. We have been here for hours. I start to feel the urge to yell and hit something.

"Hello Mr. Bieber and Mrs. Bieber" officer Mansion came out with some files and frowned eyebrows.

Selena blushed when she heard him calling her Mrs. Bieber. Technically me and Sofia are still married. If it was legal at all. I hope it was illegal, don't want to go through divorce.

"We found your daughter" he said looking up from the files. I felt relieved and worried at the same time.

They found my daughter, but what if Sofia found out and killed or hurt her? If she killed Emory, she couldn't care less. She would offer her self if she knew she could hurt me.

"What the hell are we waiting for?" Selena said and stood up ready to go.

"Hold on" Mansion said.

How did they find her? I keep thinking this is apart of Sofias sick game. She needs help very badly. I never knew she was this obsessed with me.

"I Want MY DAUGHTER!!!" Selena screamed in Mansions face.

"Shh..." I said and held her in my arms, she was very fragile right now. She is shaking and Cold.

"Yes, go on the police car" Mansion said and we ran to the car.

I fasten Selena's seat belt because she wasn't able to do it self. She barely could sit up straight.

Mansion looked the address up, or he tracked it by our phone call from earlier. Sofia should have thought this through, but it might be apart of her sick game.

We drove down so many roads we didn't keep track, I just want to know my daughter is safe, so can be home soon.

Finally we came to an old and weird looking house. From here it looks abandoned and no one could possibly live here.

We all rushed out and ran towards the house. I can almost feel the evilness. There was a sudden scream coming from the house. Followed by a 'shut up'.

It's like I feel Emory, we all burst into the house and see my baby on the floor cold. Sofia was no where to be found.

"Daddy" she said when she saw me. I rushed over to Emory who was looking like hell. She was very pale, her lips are blue and...I could feel my heart sink to the bottom of my heart.

"Oh my baby" Selena said and held our daughter in her arms.

"Let's take her home" I said. I looked at the officer for approval. I don't know why, like I would listen to him.

We were allowed to go home, since Sofia wasn't present or anybody else, Mansion thought he would take care of it and call us.

When we left a couple of police cars came and they investigated the house. I can't believe Sofia left, she needs to feel my pain.

"Mommy I'm cold" Emory shivered.

"We are going home baby" Selena replied kissing Emory's forehead.

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