-Chapter 35

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Enjoy people

Selena POV

Its Been days since I saw that note on Justin's phone, it scares me. I'm walking carefully in my own house scared that someone might hurt me.

Justin was dropping the kids off today, I think we need to talk about this, but every Time there is just nothing. Another part of me, is scared that we might have a fight and break up.

"I'm home baby" Justin yells and slams the door behind him. Now it's the time to confront him.

He walks directly towards me and kiss me, I was surprised in a good way tho'.

"We've got all day baby, no work today" he said and kissed me again. Maybe I'll confront him another day.

"You don't have to go to the studio?" I said looking into his dreamy eyes.

"No. I'm all yours, now come on " he smirks and tries to pulls me towards our bedroom.

"Trying to seduce me Mr. Bieber?" I frown that turned into a smirk.

"Your words, not mine" he smirks and swooped me off my feet. God this man makes me feel so special. Sometimes hard to believe good can happen to me.

He carries me into our bedroom and set me down gently on the bed. He cares my back and pulled off my sweater, T-shirt, jeans and lastly my ponytail.

I was in only in underwear now, I feel kind of shy, and my cheeks turns red.

"Bath? Then we can finish afterwards" Justin said and lifted me up, an arm under my knees and one behind me.

I giggled as my answer and we bathed together.  He massaged my back, feet and hands, it was amazing I have to tell you.

We don't have as many moments alone as we would like to anymore. With 4 kids it's hard and with Emory by our side all the time.

When we were done he wrapped me in a towel and put me in bed. He started to kiss my neck and moved up and reached my mouth.

Zzz... Zzz.... the phone vibrated, Justin was just about to unwrap me.

"Hello?" Justin answered.

"Mel, slow down baby" he continued and making me more and more nervous.

"Talk so daddy can understand you"

"We'll be right there" he said and hung up.

"Babe something happened. We gotta go like right now" he said and put on some clothes as did I.

What is wrong? Melanie never calls during school time...

Until next time...
What do you think happened?

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