-Chapter 13.

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Justin's POV

I followed Selena into our bedroom, I get that she is angry, but I think it's just because it's a surprise.

If were a girl, they would probably call me a slut or sluty. I've slept with to many, that I have to admit.
It just says a lot when I can't even count the many hook ups. I mean sex should be meaningful, but with that many girls? I don't know. Only good and meaningful with selena, I hope she know that.

Selena sits on the bed, she gently tabs on the cover, giving me a sign to come sit with her. I sit besides her, in a awkward position.

I don't know why I suddenly feel so shy around her, she has seen me naked, the worst and the best of me. Even at my lowest point and she would always listen to my crap.

"So how come" she started and looked at me for an answer.
"Remember earlier today?" I said and she nodded.
"That little girl is apparently mine" I finished.

I don't know what to say, it's not like I can go back in time. If I could, I would fix all my mistakes.

"I don't know why I'm angry at you"

I opened my mouth, to say something. She held her finger up to make me shut my mouth again.

"You didn't know that she was yours, I get that. I just wanted to believe so bad, that you did this on purpose, hurting me" there were tears in her eyes.
"I'm scared, of getting hurt. Scared to go through all that again" she finished.

She buried her face in the palms of her hand, I gently put my hand on her back. Rubbing her spine. Her body relaxes a little.

" I know baby, I did hurt you, but I've changed"

She looks at me, those eyes that I loved so much. That's the love of my love.

"Really?" She asked, I could see she wanted to believe me, but just wouldn't give in.

"Let me prove it" I stated, I need to make feel like the princess, that she is. Maybe Renting out the staples centre, is not the only romantic thing.

When we were younger she used to do things for me, personal things. The tabloids knew what I was doing, but never what she did for me.

I pull her into my arms, she is nice and warm. Every time I touch her, I just want her so bad.

She turns her head at me, she pulled my lips down at hers, they were warm and soft, tasted like seawater. I could taste her tears.

She pulled away, to look me deep in the eyes.

"I love you" she whispers.

"I love you too baby" I say kissing the top of her head. We have been through so much today.

Selena started to yawn, she was tired, so I rocked her back and force, like I used to do with Maddie. Selena is just like a baby, my baby.

I think it's impossible to love anyone more than I love Selena.

"I would take a bullet for you" I whisper to her, she might not hear me, but it doesn't matter to me.
I let go of her, placed her on the pillow. I pulled the cover over her sexy body.

I went over to the bathroom to do my business. I brushed my teeth, and shaved my face. I usually do that in the Morning, but forgot this morning.
I shave because Selena says it hurts, when I kiss her, if I don't shave.

When I'm all done with my business, I crawl into bed with Selena. I wrapped my arms around my angel. Tight.

I need to make it up to her, prove that I love her more than spaghetti. I'm just kidding more than anything and everything.

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