-Chapter 11.

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Justins Pov

In front of me I see my ex flings, I look over at Selena, her jaw dropped. I have seen her this way before, she is going to break up with me. That time I 'hooked up with' Miranda Kerr, she found out and ended our relationship.

Yovanna, Sofia and some other girls I don't remember their names. I notice a little girl clinging to Yovannas legs, she is about 2 and a half years old. I had never imagined her being a babysitter.

"mommy look they are so ugly" the little girl said and pointed at my baby girls. She is a sassy little girl, she reminds me of Maddie, a while ago.

Yovanna bends down and whisper something in her ear, it was very unclear what she said. I know it wasn't nice. They all just giggled like little girls.

I look over at Selena, she looks like she is about to faint. I run over just in time to catch her. She has lost a lot of weight, since we broke up last time.

"mommy" Maddie and Melanie both yelled scared and started to cry.

The little Squad of bitches seems to be having fun, oh I just want to give them a good free punch in the face. If I haven't promised Selena to stay out of trouble and keep my temper down, I would have knocked them all down.

"Hayden! It's not polite to make fun of stupid people" Sofia said to the little girl, who happens to be Hayden. They all laugh at the joke.

Can they do anything else than just laugh? It's the only thing they have been doing since we met them.

"come lets get Selena home" I say, looking at Taylor who just nodded. This little meeting seems to shock Taylor too.

"yeah lets so that, come on girls, lets get mommy to safety" she said taking their little hands. I carry Selena, she is so cute even if she fainted.

"no don't take me home" Selena wakes up, confused over the whole situation.

"babe, you fainted" I said

"we came to have fun and I'm FINE" she screamed, I wonder is she is on her period.

The rest of the day went fine, the girls met their favorite princesses. This time it was more on the boring side, I had to pretend I liked those girls in costume. Just what I have to, since I'm a dad.

"I have to go pee" I tell Selena and went over to the men's bathroom. There is a lot of people, but I just have to be happy. No paparazzi this time around.

In the corner I see Yovanna. What in the world is she doing here, is she stalking me, or does she do this to get men, she is so desperate?

"Justin we need to talk" she starts walking towards me, like a natural reaction, I take a few steps back.

"leave me and my family alone" I say holding my hands up.

"don't walk away from me, and Selena isn't you family not like you're married or something" she said and continues to go for me.

I shake my head in disbelieve, she wants me to talk to her, but then she insults me? Does this girl have a brain?

"no get away from us"

"it's about Hayden" she finally says after an awkward moment there.

"what? You want me to give you money? So she can have this amazing childhood?" I shouted sarcastically.

The tears is running down Hayden's cheeks, I didn't even see her. She hugs Yovanna's legs tight, she keeps saying 'mommy I'm scared'

"no she is my daughter, and you're her father" she said and blushed a little.

I'm her father? How many kids did I fathered? What if this is a trick?

"how you know?" I say shocked.

"DNA test" giving me a bitchy look.

I walked out without saying any further, she can't be my daughter. even though her age is about the same when we hooked up.

How do I tell Selena? I even forgot to pee.

I didn't think of anything else for the rest of the day. I laughed when I had to and so on... the day passed by really quickly.

We all just ate dinner, but Taylor went to put the girls to bed. So I have some time alone with Selena, great now I have to tell her. On the other hand, she didn't tell me about Melanie. I just don't want to ruin what we just build up, I need her trust.

"Hayden is my daughter" I said without even knowing what I was saying.

Selena drops her fork and look up tears in her eyes. This is what  i was afraid of, Screwing with her feelings. Taylor walked in to the dining room, looking disapointed at me.

"what the heck? Justin" she said and looked at me with tears streming down her cheeks.

"Babe I didn't know she was mine" I begged, how do i fix this?

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