-Chapter 19.

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Selena POV

As soon as the meeting I got up. I could not believe what they said to each other. Justin and I's split had more influence than I thought.

I opened the door as gently as I could trying not to wake up Emory.

Before I could get out and run down the hallway, something grabbed my wrist. It was Justin. I was at the breaking point. So close to breaking down in tears.

"Let go of me" I said almost whispering. I was afraid to let him see me cry. He has before, but now isn't a great time.

"Please Sel?" He pleaded, he was desperate.

I didn't know what to do. I do miss him, but I had no intention of giving him another chance.

"Don't call me that, and now let me go" I said trying to get my arm free.

Emory is starting to wake up, she rubs her eyes. I just glad she isn't a child who cry when she wakes up, like Maddie and Melanie.

"Pleased me and Mel miss you" he said gently like I was going to disappear if he talked with a higher vice.

"No, I want to see Mel not you" I finished at this point I'm so hurt, I just didn't have any words.
He probably think I'm going to take him back, but no I need to be alone and not with him.

"Mommy? Go home?" Emory asked and looked at me with her big brown eyes. I have her a nod.

Emory looked at Justin, she was unsure of who he is. She probably knows it's her daddy, natural connection.

"Baby remember me?" Justin smiled at Emory hoping she would remember him.

Emory reached for Justin and he took her out of my arms.

"Daddy?" Emory said and tears was rolling down my cheeks. There were tears in Justin's eyes as well.

Why can't my life be like this every moment?

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