-Chapter 22.

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Selena POV

last night was a blur, Justin showed up with two new kids, it hurts so much. I heard Maddie screaming at Justin.

When I was younger my press spilt, and I was crushed. I don't want my kids to be crushed to.

I walk passed Hayden's bedroom and heard sobbing. I gently knocked on the door.

"Come in" a small voice said. She was sitting on her bed with her legs in front of her chest.

"Honey what's wrong?" I asked and slowly walked towards her. Not once have I seen her like this.

"Do you think daddy is away because of me he isn't here?" She looked at me, she is heartbroken and she shouldn't be. She is only nine years old.

"What?! Why? Your daddy is not gone because of you, and by the way he isn't gone, he is just not here"

She thought the reason me and Justin broke up was also because of her, and I didn't like her biogical mommy.

I hugged her and stroke her hair behind her ears, she finally looked at me.

"I'm sorry mom, you hate me don't you? Because I'm not your real daughter" She asked sadly and shattered my heart.

"Hayden, mommy will love you always. It doesn't matter if haven't been in my tummy, but that you will always be in my heart" I kissed her chubby cheek.

"I love you too" She said and embraced me tight.

"I love you baby, forever" I whispered to her.

My little girl, I remember when she couldn't stand me and lived with her dad. Now the tables are turned, she hates her dad and loves me. Yolanda didn't like her own daughter. If something ever happens to my kids, I would go insane.

"You love us too" Emory said and looked at me and ran over to me. Maddie and Melanie came over as well. We are a big happy family.

"Am I interrupting?" Someone said and a tall lady was standing there in the doorframe, Taylor and Elliana was all dressed up as Minnie mouse. What in the world?

"Hey autie Taylor" Melanie waved, oh she stayed last night.

"Selena come here please?" Taylor asked unsure of herself, unlike her.

We went into the hall way and a little further. Taylor was just standing and looking at her hands.

"So..." I start.

Taylor pulled a stick wrapped in some toilet paper. She handed me the paper and took away her hand quickly.

I gently unwrap the little stick, it's a pregnancy test.

"its positive" Taylor said quietly. I looked shocked at her, but happy at the same time. I threw myself at her and screamed didn't care if anyone heard. I finally let go of her with a huge grin on my face.

"How far along?"

"8 months I think" She said and looked down again. She isn't even fat! How come she just told me now.

"8 MONTHS!!! Now you tell me?" I said loud, should I be angry or happy?

"I know Sel, I'm not showing and so I waited" She said "do you want to help me tell them?" She asked and pointed at Hayden's room. I gave her a quick nod.

I took her hand in mine and we walked down to the room. This is always hard; how will Elliana react.

"Eli? Mommy needs to tell you something" I said and she sat on my lap. Taylor sat down in front of her.

"Mommy is going to have baby" Taylor said looking directly into Elli's eyes.

Elliana started crying and cried into my chest, she didn't take it well.

"Elli, do you want to go with me for a ride?" I asked her trying to make her forget for now.

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