-Chapter 31.

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Justins POV

"DAD!! I HATE YOU" Maddie yelled as soon as she got inside. She threw her book bag at me.

What did I do to make her his upset? I thought she forgave me for being absent, but maybe not.

"Honey calm down, why so mad?" I say reaching for my little girl, but she pulls away.

"No! Because I'm your little girl, everyone at schools bullies me" she cried and was tomato red in her face. Bullied? My little girl gets bullied at school?

"Who are they, I'll kill them" I said and clenched my fist. Nobody and I mean nobody will hurt one of my kids.

"No you won't, you're the reason they know me, knows who I am. You post me on social media, even when mom tells you not to" she is mad.

"I'm so sorry, how can I make this up to you?" I ask, reaching for her once this time she didn't pull away. She didn't hug me back, she just stand there.

I suddenly feel a rush of pain on my..... Maddie kicked me and ran upstairs to her room. I let out a scream. It hurts to bad to keep it in.

"Justin what happened" Selena asked letting go  of Emory and the groceries. She kneels down besides me, worried.

"I got kicked there" was all I could say and rolled up in a ball. My own daughter.

"By who?" She asked so confused, of course she wouldn't think of Maddie, even if she was the only one who was home besides me. None of us would have thought it was her.

"Madison" I sighed, I'm not mad, but disappointed at her action. Selena was shook, she looks at me with wide eyes.

"Maddie kicked you?" She she was disappointed as well I could see it in her eyes.

"Why?" She said and collapsed on the floor besides me. I get up, I need to be strong for her.

Selena began to cry, I embraced her, making circles on her back.

"She is the one of the kids, who had the hardest" I say, I know Selena will yell at Maddie, I don't want the other kids to hear that, when they get home.

"But that doesn't make it up for what she did" she said and looked at me again. Her eyes were blurred because of the tears.

"Honey, please" I beg her.

"Well see about that" she answered and got up.

"By the way Taylor is coming over for dinner" she yelled as she walked away.

Taylor is bringing her kids and Calvin, Angel died at birth strangled at birth. Elliana is so cute and so are the twins, well triplets.

"Daddy play with me will you?" Emory came over to me holding a doll.

"Of corse baby girl" and got up followed her to her room.

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