-Chapter 26.

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Selenas POV

Justin drove of a bridge, he almost died. How the hell can he be so stupid. He was not even thinking about his kids.

That bitch Sofia didn't even care to show up for her husband, I showed up and I don't have anything to do with him.

The only reason I'm here is because of the kids, I thought at least they should be here when he woke up.

"Mommy why are we here" Emory asked.

"Because we need to" I said, I didn't feel like explaining right now.

Everyone is here. Taylor, Calvin and Elli and of course the kids. Taylor was not having it, the baby is probably on its way. For her sake I hope not, I want to be there, but if Justin wakes up I need to be there.

The doctor comes out of the room with the papers in his hand, he looks uncomfortable .

"Um... who is Sofia Richie Bieber?" He asked and no one answered.

"She is not here, can I help?" I finally spoke.

"Who are you? It needs to be family" he said looked rather annoyed.

"I'm his ex and mother of his children, so that kind of make us family" I said tying to make myself clear.

"I guess it'll work" he said and make a sign for me to follow. Me and Emory stood up and followed him into the room.

' I thought so' I thought to myself, I wanted to say it out loud but I controlled my self.

Justin looked horrible, but awake. He was attached to a rebreather.

"He can't remember much, he has a miner concussion" the doctor stated looking down at Justin's file.

I couldn't even react to the news before everyone bursted in. Not Taylor.

"Is dad awake?" Maddie asked. Even if she wanted to hate him with all her heart, I know she loves him deeply. She was worried and so were the other kids. Emory doesn't quite know him.

"Yes, he is" I told her and pulled her close to me. "He might not remember you honey" I whispered in her ears afraid Melanie and Hayden would hear it.

"Really?" She asked and started to cry, the tears were streaming down her pretty face. She buried her face in my chest and sobbed.

"Daddy" she sobbed again and again. My poor little girl, who by the way isn't that little anymore.

"He is Going to be fine" I said and stroke her hair behind her ear.

She was about to answer, but was interrupted by a painful scream. TAYLOR! She was probably in labour.

"Mommy is having a baby" Elliana came running and screamed loudly.

So she was about to have the baby. Seconds after a baby's cry appeared. I ran towards the crying and saw Taylor with Calvin by her side, but no baby.

"We had triplets" Taylor said and looked exhausted, but happy.

The doctor came in with only two babies, where is the third? Didn't she just tell me she had triplets??

Thank you for reading, I kind of suck at updating quickly. I've been busy with a project in school. And my maths teacher was a pain in the ass, working against me and my friend.
Comment below if you "hate" one of your school teachers. See ya!!

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