-Chapter 30.

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Justin's POV

Maddie has been an incredible help, she made me remember all of my life. I wasn't proud of what I have done. I hurt Selena so many time. Each time leaving her with a child.

I went over to Hayden's room when I heard Selena's voice.

"Hey daddy" Hayden said when she saw me standing in the doorway

"Can I talked to mommy" I asked and Selena replied with a nod. She followed me out of Hayden's room.

"So....." she started since it was bit awkward.

"I'm so sorry"  I said, wanting to say more, but my mouth was too dry.

"For what?" A bit confused.

"For everything Sel, everything babe" I stated and wanting to hug her so desperately.

"I know baby" she replied. She called me baby again it's been awhile. She pulled me in for a hug, and I immediately hugged her back.

"Just promise me you won't try to kill yourself again?" She asked and pulled away so she could look me in the eyes.

"Promise I won't" I said and I meant it. I heard her cry when I first got here, or home but she might not want to have me here longer than necessary.

"Would you mind coming home to me?" She asks and I was took in a shock. I live to but is she joking.

"Are you joking with me" I asked hoping she wasn't.

"No, I actually like your company and as much I hate this, I love you" She said peeking my lips a little. 

"I'm glad to hear that and I love you too, so much" I said kissing her hard and she didn't pull away.  I have my girl back.

Hey guys, I've been working on my new story. its called 'years apart from you' hope you'll like it.

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