-Chapter 16.

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Time laps....

Selenas POV

"Emory, lets go!" I yelled at my 3 year old daughter. Maddie is now seven, Melanie is six.

Emory and Maddie are living with me full time, Melanie? Wanted to live with Justin and her half sister.  I was heart broken when I heard, but she was always daddy's girl.

I get to see Melanie once in a while, but lately I mean a good year. I haven't seen her, only when she managed to make the headlines.

"Where is Maddie?" Emory yelled while running down the stairs,nearly giving me a heart attack.

"She went to school, with some friends" I answered and gave her and apple to go.

Emory frowned, and looked at me with sad eyes. She doesn't know about Melanie or Hayden. She has met Melanie, just doesn't remember it.

Maddie is mad at Melanie for living with their dad. Maddie hasn't seen him in almost two and a half years and refuses to speak with him in all terms.

When Emory took a bite of her apple, she chew loudly. From her daddy. She was never like Melanie, asking for her daddy. She always wanted me.

I dropped Emory of at her pre school and went over to Taylor's. I figured we could have some fun while our girls are at pre school.

I pulled up at Taylor's house 20 minutes later.
I went up and unlocked the door, she gave me a key hehe..

I was surprised that I was greeted with a little girl. I looked down at Elliana.

"Auntie selly bear" she screamed with all that she's got and threw her self at me giving me a bone crushing hug.

"Where is mommy?" I asked and picked the three year old Eli up.

She pointed at the couch in the living. Taylor was crying with her head buried down in a kittens pillow.

"What did you do?" I teased Eli. At first she frowned and then realised what she might have done.

"I asked for daddy" she answered and tears escaped from her eyes. I kissed her temple and set her down.

"Can you go play with your toys in your room?? I need a moment with mommy" I told her before she sprinted up to her room.

I had always told Taylor she had to tell her who Ellianas daddy is and opposite. We always talked about it, but I never thought she would burst down in tears.

I took a seat besides Taylor and patting her gently on her back. After some time she finally looked up.

"She asked for her daddy" she cried out and laid her head on my shoulder and continued crying.

"It's okay, she doesn't need to now" right now I mean some day she will take it upon herself and search after her daddy. After all her parents are both famous.

"I've called Calvin already" she said between sobs. I handed her a tissue so she could dry her eyes.

I'm very proud of her, she finally told him, I hope.

"Is he coming?" I asked and before she could answer the door bell rang and she shoot up and opened the door. Calvin walks in confused and by that moment I knew Taylor didn't tell him.

"What am I doing here" he asked. He came him self though.

We all heard a cry from Elliana and Taylor was about to rush up to her, but I wasn't going to let her so I went instead.

"Nice to see you Calvin" I said on the way up stairs.

Eli's finger was bleeding, she must have scratched her finger on something. She crawled onto my lap and rest her head on my shoulder.

"I want mommy" she cried out.

"Okay shall we go down stairs to mommy and get you a bandaid?" I asked and was replied with a smile.

Halfway down the stairs I heard some yelling.

"Why did you call me to come over, what is the emergency??!!!!! Damn Taylor answer me, if you have Selena here why didn't you tell her"

Elliana shivered in my arms and buries her head against my neck. I ran with Eli in my arms and saw Taylor and Calvin arguing, well mostly Is just Calvin yelling.

Taylor could barely hold her self together, she collapses and before she could hit the ground Calvin catched her.

I let go of  Eli and helped Calvin with Taylor.

Suddenly my phone ring and I didn't even mid to check the caller ID.

"WHAT I CAN'T TALK RIGHT NOW" I yelled at the phone.

"I'm sorry Miss Gomez, its principal Montes"

"Oh I'm sorry for yelling at you, what's the matter?" God that sounds so rude.

"Some girls had bullied Emory, I can't remember their name, they are new"

They bullied my little girl.

"Thanks I'll be right there" I hung up and was about to walk out the door.

"Selena? Where are you going, please tell me what I have to do here?" Calvin asked.

"It's not me who should tell you, Taylor is and please watch Elliana until Taylor is okay, then Taylor can tell you" I said, he just nodded and closed the door behind me.

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