-Chapter 5.

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Selenas POV

I can't believe how Justin knew that Melanie is his daughter, I did tell Melanie, because she was really sad that her big sister has a daddy and she didn't, she really wanted to see her daddy.

I must be crazy, first I hand my daughter to him, well she is technically ours, but I did also let him inside.

I think that Melanie and Justin are really cute, she clung to him like it depended on her life.

"nice place Selena!" Pattie complimented and looked around one more time, I didn't even notice her coming with him.

"Thank you so much" I smiled at her, even if I don't like Justin, his mom is still one of the sweetest persons in the whole wide world.

We all walked into the living room, it is a complete mess, the girls like to build these small "caves" and hide from me. They are getting along better, I just hope Maddie is okay by sharing her daddy, because she is such a daddys girl and Melanie could be, but now she is mostly mommys little girl.

It is really awkward. We are all just sitting on the sofas. Melanie jumped of Justins lap, and crawled onto my lap and Maddie comes over as well and they get into this huge argument.

"first MY mommy then my daddy" Maddie screams at her little sister, this was exactly what I was afraid of.

Justin caught Melanie before she hit the ground, she was crying and wimps trying to get out of his solid hold, but fails.

"excuse us" I say and grabbed Maddie and lead her upstairs to her room. I let go of her so she could sit on her bed.

"Maddie what the hell was that" I say loudly, I'm so mad at her.

She was shocked over my loud voice and the tears start rolling down her eyes. I immediately regret shouting at her.

I get besides her and take her in my arms, and she sobs into my shoulder, she finally looks up at me, her eyes just like mine.

"you and daddy will only love her" she sobs and cried even more.

"no, no honey we won't, it's all equal" I whisper in her ears and wipe off her tears.

"but mommy I'm daddys little princess and only me!" she says giving her best attitude. I should probably not laugh, but it is really funny, I mean she is four for damn sake.

"you are honey, always" I say, she is his first child, it will be remembered for the rest of his life.

We just sat on her bed for a while, I rocked her back and forth. She calmed down a little, she wasn't so upset anymore.

"you ready to go down again" I ask and she nods her little head. I offer her my hand, she happily takes it and we walk back to the living room. Pattie is nowhere to be seen. It is just Justin, Melanie, Maddie and me, like a family. Except that we aren't on good terms.

"so I heard you haven't been taking care of her as you said you would" and sit down on the couch and crossed my arms in front of my chest.

"Selena I can explain" he says, I hold my hand up.

"Justin what were you thinking" I say close to crying. I don't want him to see me cry. I'm not weak!

"I was young you know, and I had a tour" he says, it doesn't make sense.

"so am I! and I had a tour not to say a daughter I had to take care of" I was shouting at this point. The girls went out of the room to play like nothing had happened.

"yeah let's talk about that, you hid her didn't you" he was shouting too at this point.

"if you couldn't take care of Maddie, why would you care about Melanie" I was standing up, I could hit him right now.

"I would" he walked towards me, I thought he was about to hit me, but he pressed his lips on mine. Hard. I didn't pull back, I had missed his kisses, I'm not supposed to kiss him back, but I did.

He pushed back and looked me directly in my eyes. His light brown eyes, so dreamy.

"I missed those lips" I could hear him whisper, I was not supposed to hear that I guess.

"what was that" I ask and burry my head against his chest.

"I don't want fight" he replies and give me a kiss on my head.

I rapped my arms around his waist, I want to forgive him, but I'm afraid at the same time. He'll cheat again or that he will hurt me and my girls.

"please forgive me" he plead and looked down and into my watery eyes, the tears are streaming down now.

"I'm scared Jay, I don't feel safe right now" I shake my head and wipe my tears.

"I know, babe I want to be a part of your life, the girl's life" he says.

"how about a family night tonight? You can stay overnight, watch a movie cuddle with the girls" I ask and his eyes light up and nods.

We went to get the girls and tell them the news, as in now it is fine, but if he breaks my heart again. It's not going to be pretty

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