-Chapter 41.

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Madison POV

"Mom! Dad is going to kill him"

"Like I accepted this" Mom said walking back and fourth in my room. I only told mom about it, and I'm not going to tell dad.

"But mom..."

"No, you will tell your father" she said looking into my eyes.

Mom isn't happy about it, but she said she would help me. She wants to be supportive of me, so I don't feel alone.

"Please?" I said pulling my best puppy eyes.

"No" she pulled led me over to the bed. "Honey
you're 15 that's your responsibility to tell your father"

I know it's my responsibility but he is going to be disappointed. I'm daddy's little girl and I screwed up big time.

"Can we tell together?"

"I can be there when you tell him"

I'm prepared to die, he is going to kill me and my boyfriend. I told Mason already, but what will his parents do? They're like successful people.

"Mom can I speak with Maddie alone?" Melanie asked standing in the doorway. I didn't notice her walk upstairs.

"Sure sweetie" mom said and kissed the top of her head.

As soon as mom left she came over and sat with me. It was a bit awkward. Usually she would just mock me or say something very annoying.

"Madz, I know what you're going through" Melanie said padding my shoulder. That's weird.

"No you don't, mom and dad aren't the same" I said taking her hand of me.

"It is, you're daddy's girl and I'm mommy's. and I have a feeling that you think he will disappointed"

"That's because he will"

"He might, but he is your dad. He will always love you. You know how many times I screwed up right?" She smiled and I nodded.

"I thought mom and dad would be disappointed and they were, but they got over it. They will still love you no matter what"

"Thanks for the advice, but this time it's different. I screwed up big times"

"Don't say that, you'll never know" Melanie smirked and walked out of my room.

What is she up to? But I guess she is right about telling dad. He is my dad and I think he will forgive me somehow. It's just hard when your expected to be perfect with no flaws.

I need to tell dad.

I slowly make my was downstairs, I need to find mom first so she can be there. I wish Mason was here with me.

I can take care of my self if he throws me out of the house right? Don't think that, mom didn't throw you out.

I'm at the end of the staircase, I'm ready to tell dad.  In the living room I see mom and dad sitting together cuddling. Normally a teenager would cringe if they saw their parents like that, but I have gotten used to it.


"Yes honey?" He smiled at me. This is harder than I thought.

"I need to tell you something"


"This might be a little unpleasant"

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