-Chapter 48.

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Selena's POV

"Sel, let's take it easy" Justin plead still having his arms around my waist to hold me back.

"Why? I came to slaughter them" I said fighting to get out of the his hold. But failed since he got a very good hold of me.

"She didn't cause it" Justin said starting to struggle.

"Started what?" Phoebe said looked at me.

"You!" I said pointing at her.

"The reason my daughter wants to kill her self" Justin finished my sentence.

"What are you talking about, would you speak plainly?" 

"What you said to her, she is ruining Masons life" Justin said and let go of me. He walks up to Phoebe and now it was his turn to giver her a lesson.

"Selena Said it was fine" She defended her self. It makes me sick.

"Did I sound like I meant it? What would you do if I said that to your daughter? Huh!"

"She would never get in trouble" Phoebe replied and crossed her arms.

"Too bad because your son did!" Justin yelled at her.

"Justin let's go she is waste of time" I said and pulled him away from their front door.

"You will never see your grandchild ever!" I said and left dragging Justin with me.


It took a lot of pushing and pulling to get him into the car. He was confused at why we left. I drove away from their house before explaining.

"We need to have custody of this child" I said to him. He doesn't seem to get what I'm hinting at.

"What does that have to do with this?"

"We need to make sure we bring up what they did, we need to be as innocent as possible"

"You could have said that to start with" he laughed and kissed me.


We drove home and we talked a lot on the way. Madison is 5 month pregnant and I need to take her to a ultrasound later.

She has been to other ultrasounds but without me. Today she wants to fin out the gender of the baby.

"I need to take Madison to the doctors, she wants a ultrasound" I said to Justin.

"Okay.. I need to record something later"

"It's fine I'll go with her, I think it's better for her" I sighed.

She might not feel comfortable with Justin there.


"Maddie are you ready" I asked and took my daughters hand to lead that way.

"Ready as ever"

Inside there were a lot of pregnant women. Maddie is far the youngest of them all.

"Do you know the gender?" I asked curious to find out if I'm going to have a granddaughter or  grandson.

"No, I haven't even seen the screen. I went only to see if the baby was healthy" she said.

"You don't know anything?"


I can't believe she can do that. When I was pregnant I was so excited to see what by baby was like and the gender.

"Madison Claire Bieber?" The doctor said coming out with her little pen and the other thing.

"That's me" Maddie said and stood up and followed her into the room. I got up and followed them.

"So just a usual check up? No peeking?" The doctor asked.

Maddie Got up on the chair and the doctor spread that green stuff on her stomach. Which has gotten pretty big. I didn't even realise until now.

"No I want to see this time and know the gender" Maddie said and looked at me from
the chair. She gave me a warm smile.

Vote for favourite name. A boy and a girl.

1. Leslie
2. Lola
3. Charlotte
4. Ellie
5. Christina

1. Jax
2. Asher
3. Maddox
4. Osten
5. Christian

Thank you guys so much for reading.

@LeslieNorman1 came up with Leslie, Jax and Asher.

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