-Chapter 40.

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Time skip

Selena POV

It's been a while since Emory got home, she was being kept hostage by Sofia. She was so cold and fragile.

I heard from Justin Sofia tried to take the other girls as well. But she couldn't do that on her own. Her little boyfriend helped her keeping her hidden.

Maddie is now 15, Melanie 14, Hayden 13 and my little Emory is 11.

After Emory got home, we found out I was pregnant with a boy, unfortunately I had a miscarriage due to lupus. Our little drew is now in heaven.

I miss him so much. Marie and Skye has grown up to be such beautiful girls. Even tho they miss their sister. Marie and Skye does have some health issues, but they will get pass that illness.

Elliana and Emory are best friends, they do everything together, and me and Taylor gets to hang.

Maddie has now gotten a boyfriend and recently told me some unpleasant news. I wasn't very happy. We haven't told Justin yet, but he will kill him.

Melanie and Hayden they have been in some trouble, but I guess that's because they're middle kids. They told me they needed attention.

"Babe?" Justin said coming into the bedroom followed by all the kids. What is going on?

"What is wrong?"

"Mom? Can you just chillax for a bit" Maddie said. She is a typical teenager. Her hormones must be all over the place. It can't be easy for her, but I must be there for her.

"Yeah mom" Little sassy Emory.

Justin took a step closer to me and knelt down. This isn't what I think is it? He is going to propose, my gosh.

"Selena, where do I even start?" He began. I was already crying.

"No doubt, that you are the one for me. Even tho I screwed up so many times, and broke your heart again and again, you forgave me"

I reached for the tissue on the night stand to wipe my eyes.

"You gave me my beautiful children and I am so happy that you birthed them. I love you always have and always will. No woman drives so crazy like you do. You made me the man I am today and I owe you my life" he took my hand and kissed it gently.

"Selena Marie Gomez will you do the honor by becoming Selena Marie Bieber?"


He pulled out a little black box. He opened it to reveal a beautiful diamond ring. I looked At my fiancé while he gently slide the ring on my finger.

When he was finished I eagerly pulled him into a bone crushing hug. My man is what he is now.

"My heart will always be yours to break, just don't do it again" I whispered in his ears.

"I'm so bad at speeches" he whispered back.

"No you're not, but that made it special"

So... what do you think? And by the way I'm sorry about the time lap. But hope it's fine.

Should I keep going, I have been wondering about making like a spin-off sequel on Maddies life? Should I make a separate book or just do it in this one? And anyone who has a good story title?

If you guys aren't interested I won't make it then. So comment below

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