-Chapter 42.

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Justins POV.

Maddie told me she had news, and they were going to be unpleasant. What could she have done? She is my baby girl, she can't do bad things. Except when she kicked my private.

"What is it then?"

"You might want to sit down" Maddie said.

"I'm already sitting down" what is it since she is this nervous.

"Right" she muttered

I look over at Selena for some answers, but she looked at her hands. What is going on?

"Dad, I think I-I-I-I might be pregnant" she whispered.

Pregnant? No, no, no way. My little girl isn't ready to have a baby, yet alone have sex.

"Is this a prank?" I'm legit lost right now.

"No dad, I'm being real here" she said looking at her feet. They are very good at acting, Maddie being pregnant? Hahaha please my little girl is not pregnant.

"Okay this is funny, hahaha. Now stop the act"

"I'm not joking dad" Maddie said starting to get frustrated. Maybe it is true? But it's so hard to get through my head.

"So what you're telling me is, you had sex and forgot protection?" I still can't believe this.

"I guess, please dad I'm sorry"

"Sorry? You're pregnant and you're sorry? What happened to my little girl"

"I'm still your little girl"

"No you're not. I would expect this from Hayden or Melanie, but you?" I shook my head.

"I can't believe you dad" Melanie said and stormed out of the room. What was he doing here?

"Mel" I said but there were no point of trying. She couldn't hear me.

"I'll talk to her" Selena said and left me and Maddie alone.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you" Maddie said and came over to me.

"I am a little disappointed, but I'm just sad that you're growing up"

"So you're not mad?"

"No, I can't change what happened. I just wish you had used protection" I sighed.

"I know dad, I just don't know what to do now" she sobbed and I hugged my not so little girl. I can believe she is 15 soon to be 16.

"I think we'll get through it, together" I said to my scared daughter, she must been very scared.

"I know, I just thought you'd be very mad and maybe wanting to kill Mason" she laughed.

"That doesn't mean I won't kill him" I joked.

She laughed and gave me a gentle pad on my arm. Omg she is going to be a mom and I'm going to be a grandfather, if she choose to keep the baby.

"So? How was your first time? It's your first right?" I asked.

"Dad! What the heck? I don't think I should
Share that with you" She blushed and was totally embarrassed.

"Okay honey, let's talk some other time. I need to see if Melanie is alright" I laughed.

I saw Melanie running towards Selena and I's bedroom so I started to look there. They were sitting on the bed. Melanie was crying.

"Mel honey, I didn't mean what I said" I started .

"Go away, I hate you" Melanie screamed and threw a pillow at me.

"Please listen"

"No I'm the biggest failure in this family, all I do is cause trouble" she Cried, I can't handle it anymore.

"No baby you're so good, and I'm so proud of you"

"Dad you don't mean that" she said and hugged Selena tighter.

"I do mean that, from The Bottom of my heart"

"I think dad means it" Selena said to our daughter.

This would happen slot when she was younger. Maddie would tell her she is nothing, when she lived with me she would miss Selena like hell. She just didn't show that she missed her mommy.

"I'm sorry daddy" she sobbed and came over to hug me.

"I love you, and I'm sorry to have hurt you baby" I hugged her little body.

"Is okay daddy and I love you too"

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