-Chapter 45.

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Selena POV

Phoebe and Paul are coming over tonight, we have to fix up dinner for 3 more people. Justin is helping which is unusual.

I told him to put the potatoes in the oven and he put them in the dishwasher.  How did a tray of potatoes fit in there?

We are almost finished with the food and are now decorating the table. I'm exited to see Masons parents, get to know them, like what they do and stuff.

The door bell rang. And I went over to open the door.

"Come in" I said and opened the door. Phoebe and Paul came carrying flowers and chocolate. There was a little girl following them behind.

"Paul" he said and shook my hand.


"Hi I'm phoebe" she said and shook my hands.

"This our daughter Eliza" Phoebe said and the little girl waved hiding behind her mothers leg.

"Hey guys, please come inside" Justin said coming over and wrapped his arm around my waist.


"Kids dinner!!"

A few moments later all the kids came and took their seats. This is wonderful, everyone together. The Wesleys might be our future in-laws.

Justin doesn't like the thought of Maddie getting married ever. He doesn't think she will never move out, we all know that isn't true.

He is having symptoms of empty nest syndrome. Before the kids even talks about moving out.

"We're so glad you could make it" Justin said.

"It's our pleasure"

We ate in silence, it was starting to get awkward. No one was even looking up. I thought since Maddie and Mason would speak, but they didn't.

Once in a while they would look at each other and send each other looks, but that's it.

"So Paul and Phoebe, what do you guys work with" I asked trying to break this awful silence.

"I was an actor, but switched to directing instead" Paul said in between a bite.

"I'm an actress, I haven't worked much recently, because I have to take care of my daughter" Phoebe said.

"That's amazing, what have you been in" Melanie asked.

"I've been in the originals and some upcoming projects I can't tell yet" Phoebe smiled.

"You look like that mermaid from H2o, the scared one, I think it was Cleo" Emory laughed. Why is Emory being so much like Justin?

"That's because I'm her" she told Emory.

"Nice" was all Emory said.


"So I guess our kids is going to be parents?" Paul said while we were eating dessert.

"Yeah I guess so" Justin said.

We still aren't used to the thought, Maddie being almost 4 months pregnant. We can't change the fact that she is pregnant. She could give it up for adoption or have an abortion. But that isn't our decision to make.

Maddie wanted to keep the baby, I understand her completely. Giving a child up is hard, I haven't done it. If I had to give one of my children away, I would lose my mind.

"I still can't believe they had sex" Phoebe said and runs a hand through her hair. She touches her hair a lot. Pulling it back and changing it. It makes me nervous.

"Me either" I said.

I'm glad the other kids went to 'play'. Now it's just Paul, Phoebe, Mason, Maddie, Justin and me.

I don't think Emory is ready to have the talk just yet, and Melanie and Hayden? They should have the talk private with me and Justin.

"You guys, you realise that we are right here?" Maddie said a bit uncomfortable. Talking about sex with your parents is never easy.
We didn't talk a lot about it since Maddie got pregnant.

"Did you get pregnant on purpose?" Paul asked only to get a death glare from his wife.

"What!? Why would I do that" Maddie said with a loud voice. She was mad and hurt. She was about to cry.

"So you could ruin my sons life, I liked you before until you showed you true self, a little Bieber slut"

"Do you think having a baby at 15, was on top of my bucket list?" Maddie cried.

"DON'T ever talk to my daughter like that, you son was as much a part of this as her. His Blood runs through that baby veins. So shut up" Justin yelled.

"We should leave" Phoebe said and lead Paul away.

"I'm so sorry about that, I don't know what have gone into him" she said apologetically.

"It's alright" I said not knowing if it was true. How dare he, I'm not feeling the best and I don't have the strength right now, just wait until next time.

I will kill him, I can't do it while Phoebe is there. I just told her that it was alright.

"I told you Mason, your parents hate me" Maddie screamed with tears running down her cheeks. She slapped him hard on his arm.

They might not be our future in-laws after all.

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