-Chapter 24.

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Selena Pov

What in the world was he doing here? I remember clearly he said to me 'I need time to be alone'. Now he is here with child.

"Sel?" he said pulling me back to the real world. The little girl holding Justin's hand looked so much like Sofia.

"What are you doing here?" I asked crossing my arms defensively, I'm so sick of these games.

"Can you watch Josephine, while I go talk to Sofia" he asked.

"Why? Why would I do that?" I asked I felt sorry for that little girl, it's never the child's fault, that their parent are total dickheads.

My little Emory doesn't even remember her daddy and Maddie hates him more than any of her siblings. After all she is his first born.

"Please" he begged like he was ready to get on his knees.

"Fine, only for her sake. It's not her fault that you are her father" and gave up completely. I reached for Josephine and she didn't want to let go of Justin.

"Honey go, daddy needs to do something" Justin whispered in her little ear.

She ran over to my open arms, she smelled like prostitutes. I have no problem against prostitutes, it's what they do, but she is only three. She does not smell natural.

Justin got out of the door without even saying goodbye, I can't believe him.

"Are you my new mommy?" She asked me and I felt sad for her.

"What do you mean sweetie?" I asked curiously, New mommy? How many did she have?

She thought for a moment before answering, she looked rather confused.

"Mommy told me and Johnny that Justin was our daddy" She said, I felt so sorry for her. What she is a part of right now is not healthy.

"MOMMY? Who is here" Emory screamed and rand over to us, confused when she saw Josephine. Emory sat in my lap hugging me before letting me go.

"She is going to stay with us, but I don't know how long baby" I whispered so only Emory could hear me.

Josephine tapped me on the shoulder "Can I get something to eat?"

We all sat down and ate including Taylor and Elliana. Elliana was so upset scared her daddy and mommy wouldn't lover her as much as a cute baby.

"Mommy told me and Johnny that Justin was our daddy" kept replaying in my head, Sofia is hiding something. Otherwise, why would she tell her kids that?

Who is you favorite little girl from the story? and my apologizies I haven't updated for so long. 

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