This is a collection of poetry and prose about stars, love and the like. It is a glimpse inside my mind and a full view of my soul. My thoughts are like celestial dust: quite useless on their own, but once they come together, create a star that give...
If you are reading this right now, this book is the most of myself that I have ever revealed to any living person. Of course, there might be a story behind the poems that would allow you to better understand me, but sometimes the things I write have no meaning and are merely my imaginings (I happen to have a mind that runs rampant with maladaptive daydreams). Caught in between these pages are my rawest emotions and the results of my late-night thoughts that are much sappier than real life.
Interpret any of this however you'd like (and I might add that any pronouns I've used are subject to change depending on who you are and who you love).
It is now that I bare my soul to you. I hope you take good care of it.
—Lily White
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To everyone I've ever loved, everyone I've ever hated, everyone I've ever been inspired by, everyone I've ever felt a strong enough emotion for. This is for everyone I've ever written about.