Ch. 1

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-Kellins POV-

"Goodmorning Dad...", I said, and like usual I recieve no response.

Ever since my mom left my dad pretty much shut down, he doesn't talk at all and only leaves the house to go to work or do grocery shopping.

Out of nowhere my phone went off, Vic Fuentes added you to chat, the screen read. I don't even know a Vic but whatever I'll look at it later.

My phone went off again but this time it was a text from my bestfriend Justin letting me know he was on his way to pick me up for school. Justin and I have been bestfriends for almost eight years but when we got to high school, things kind of changed. He become super "popular" while I remained the school loner but we are still close so thats good I guess. I have one other friend named Josh Dun who is also a loner, just like me.

My phone goes off again,

Jus10: I'm out front hurry the fuck up dude.

Me: Alright alright chill.

Time for another day of, school.

-Time skip to when they get to school-

"Well isn't it little Kellin Queer"

Oh how original.

"Don't walk away from me Kellin", a familiar voice yells at me from down the hall. Ronnie..Ronnie Radke, the person who goes out of his way to make MY day a living hell. As if school in general wasn't bad enough.

I continued walking to my first class when all of a sudden I was being shoved against a locker.

"I said don't walk away from me fag", Ronnie spat.

"If I'm a fag then why are you two inches away from my face? Looking for a kiss Radke?" as soon as the words spilled out of my mouth I instantly regret it.

One punch...

Two punches...

Three punches....

Wheres Justin when I need him.

By the fifth punch Ronnie finally walks away leaving me alone in the hallway....and late for my first class. Greeaaaaattt, 'cause I just want another detention.

I practically run to my first class which is, of course, on the other side of the school.

"You're late Mr. Quinn" Yeah no shit sherlock.

"Yeah yeah I know" my teacher hands me a detention slip and goes on with her lesson.

I go take my seat by Josh and plug in my earbuds to drown out the bitter sounds of reality for alittle bit.

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