Ch. 14

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Alan's Pov (surprise surprise)
"Okay babe I gotta go to Kellins. I'll talk to you later...Alright...Bye love you too" I ended the call with Austin.
I had nothing to do so I decided to go Kellins house.

*Time skip to Kellins house*
I went to knock on the door but I noticed it was unlocked so I let myself in. How come none of my friends lock their door? Like what if I was a fuxking murderer or some shit.
I went up to Kellins room and what I saw brought tears to my eyes.
There was Kellin, barely breathing with blood dripping down his wrist.
"Shit..Kellin what did you do" I said while trying to check for Kellins pulse.
There's barely a pulse.
"Fuxking hell Kellin what did you do. Shit. Shit. Fuxk" I panicked while scrambling for my phone to call 911.
The paramedics came and brought Kellin and I to the hospital.
*Another time skip*
I've been sitting in the waiting room for almost three hours and my fuxking ass hurts.
A doctor came and asked if anyone was here for Kellin and I practically jumped out of my seat.
"what room is he in"
I ran to his room and the sight brought tears to my eyes.
My best friend had wires and cords surrounding him, his wrist was wrapped in a bandages and he look drained.
"Why Kells, why" I said.
"My mistakes I've made won't leave me alone" he said in a raspy voice.
We sat in silence for a few moments until he broke it with a cough.
"I'm sorry Alan. I really am" he said.
"Why didn't you call me Kellin? Y-you broke our pr-promise." I was full out sobbing at this point.
"I..I know and I'm sorry. I couldn't help it. I couldn't shut out all the voices in my head telling me too do it. I never meant to nobody, I only meant to do this to myself." He whispered.
"I know you're tortured withinYour eyes look hungry again. But I'll never wander, my friend
No, I'll never wander again." I sang to Kellin.
He gave me a confused look and I explained, "My bestfriend back in San Diego used to sing that to our little group of friends when one of us was hurting. He writes songs and stuff, i bet you'd like him. Anyways I thought of that and I thought it would help."
"Thanks Alan. And I would love to meet your friends one day honestly."
An idea popped into my head. "Well...I'm going to visit them this weekend..Wanna tag along? I could buy you a plane ticket and all that.."
"Well I've never been out of Michigan and it would be nice to get away...Sure I'll go with."

This weekend is going to be amazing.

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