Ch. 21

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Vic's POV

The drive to the airport was silent. Nobody said anything, nobody knew what to say. The atmosphere was sad and tense. No one wanted Alan or Kellin to leave just yet.

We got to the airport and everyone stayed in the car.

"So...this is it. We're leaving..." Alan said. "Yeah. We're going to miss you guys." Austin said.

We walked them inside so they could get their tickets and wait for the plane.
"Our plane is boarding." Alan said quietly. He went to go kiss Austin goodbye.
"I uh had fun this week." Kellin said quietly to me.

"Yeah. Me too" I said.

"I'm sorry about everything that happened while I was here. I'm a dramatic little kid sometimes and let my emotions get the best of me and
"You're rambling, Kellin." I interrupted.
"Oh sorry." He said shyly.

"It's fine." I reassured him and gave him a hug. "I'm really glad I met you." Kellin mumbled into my sweater.

"Same. Hey Kells, can you promise me something?"
"Yeah anything." He said.

"Please, please don't hurt yourself. You may not realize it but there are a ton of people who care about you. When you hurt yourself, you're hurting other people too. You're too beautiful to be hurting yourself." I whispered the last part.

"I..I can't make that promise Vic. Especially to someone who has hurt me too many times." He whispered back.

"Then stop for yourself. Get better for yourself. You need to be happy and put all the negative things aside in your life. Focus on the positive things and you'll be just fine. Just please get better." I pleaded. His eyes got watery but he looked down at his shoes as an attempt to hide his tears. "Darling you'll be okay." I whispered and pulled him into a hug.

"I have to go." He said and walked to his plane with Alan.

Kellins POV

*time skip* (I do this alot sorry.)

I stood in front of my house scared for my life. I left to another city without telling my mom, what excuse could I possibly make up for that?

"Kellin?" I heard a familiar voice ask. I turned around to see Justin.

I rolled my eyes, "What do you want?"

"I uh I just want to talk. I came yesterday but no one was home." He said cautiously.

"Uhm yeah I just got home." I said.

"Yeah I know." Was he stalking me or something?

"Well do you wanna come inside and talk?" I offered. Justin seems hesitant but nodded anyways.

Justin sat down on my bed and looked around. I let out an awkward cough, attempting to grab his attention.

He glanced at me but refused to make eye contact, "Look Kells, I'm sorry about everything. I didn't mean any of the stuff I said and did to you at school. I thought it would make things better in my fathers eyes and by all means it did but I'm not happy anymore. I just really want my best friend back."

"Why should I forgive you?" I spat. He stared down at my floor. What's so interesting about my floor? I wanna know.
"I..this was a waste of time. I guess I'll go. Bye Kellin." Justin started walking towards the door. "Justin wait!" I exclaimed. He turned around and stared at me, waiting for me to continue. "I guess..I guess I could give you one more chance." I said cautiously. He stared at me with wide eyes and nodded his head vigorously which caused me to chuckle. "Thank you Kells. I promise I won't screw anything up." You could practically hear his smile. "Alright well I should get going. Text me or something." Justin got up to hug me and left.

I laid down on my bed and started to think about what Vic told me at the airport earlier. Maybe he's right. I should make an effort to get better. But then again, being sad makes things easier. It doesn't get your hopes up as much. But I like the idea of being happy instead of being sad all the time.
I went to go get my phone out of my bag so I could message Vic.
Me: Hey Vic, I've been thinking about what you said and I guess I should..get better? I guess. I just wanna say thanks.

This person isn't receiving messages from you right now. Please try again later.
He blocked my number. He actually blocked my number. I felt beyond hurt.
I went to go grab my blades but something stopped me.
"I'm trying to get better." I said hesitantly to myself.
"I'm trying to get better." I said more confident and firm than last time.
Instead I grabbed a notebook and began scribbling random lyrics that came to my mind.

Met a boy at 17, thought he meant the world to me.....

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