Ch. 18

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Kellin's POV
"Kellin Kellin Kellin Kellin Kellin Kellin" said the hyper ginger while throwing pillows on me. Not a typical way to wake up but its better than nothing.
"What" I mumbled.
"Lets go to Tony's or Vic's."Alan said.
"How about no" I said while rolling back under the covers.
"Pleaseeeeee Kell. We only have four more days left here." Alan whined.
"Ugh finee" I rolled my eyes.
"THANKS KELLY" he jumped up to hug me.
"Don't call me Kelly."
"Ugh let me get ready" I said.
We got ready and went to go pick up Tony. Once we picked up Tony we drove to the Fuentes house.
We got to the house and Mike let us in.
I noticed an unusual tension between Mike and Tony and I'm pretty sure everyone else noticed it too.
"Okay what's going on between them two?" I decided to say while pointing at Tony and Mike.
"I don't know why don't you ask Mike." Tony said bitterly.
"Well Tony seems to have all the answers to everything so talk to him about it." Mike said just as bitterly as Tony.
"Hey Kellin, have I showed you my room yet? No? Yeah let's go see my room." Vic said quickly while dragging me out of the room.
"We don't have to go see my room. I was just avoiding another Mike and Tony fight, things get pretty tense when they argue." He explained.
"Understandable." I said.
We sat on his bed waiting for them to finish arguing.
"So how are you and uh Jaime." I asked.
"Good." He said.
"Great." I said back.
And now we're back to awkward tension.
"Well I think we can go back downstairs now." Vic said.
"Alright." I said. We went back downstairs and everything was back to normal. Vic went in the kitchen to make some pizza rolls.
"Aye Jaime, Alex, Austin, and Jack are on their way." Alan said.
"Okay." Vic shouted from the kitchen.
I went to go help him.
"An oven? Seriously you can't use an oven Vic?" I chuckled.
"No..." he pouted.
"Oh my god okay I'll help you" I shook my head and laughed to myself.
"Thank you Kell Bell." Vic said.
"WASSUP BITCHES" I heard Jack say from the front room.
"Where's Vic and Kellin?" Jaime asked from the front room as well.
"In the kitchen." We shouted at the same time
"Jinx" We both said at the same time.
Vic smirked at me and I smirked back. "Double jinx" he shouted.
"HA YOU OWE ME A COKE." He shouted.
"I'm making you pizza rolls isn't that enough?" I joked.
"Hey babe" Jaime said to Vic.
I rolled my eyes and went back to making the pizza rolls.
"Guys food is ready" I yelled.
Everyone came running in to get some pizza rolls.
"These are delicious, who made them?" Jack asked.
"I did because Kellin couldn't use the oven" Vic said with a cocky grin.
"But" I said.
"It's okay Kellin not everyone knows how to use the oven." Vic said.
"But I made them.." I pouted.
"Shhhh you'll be okay." He said while covering my lips with his finger.
"Okay guys stop flirting." Alex joked
Jaime shot Alex a glare, grabbed Vic's hand and dragged him upstairs.
Being the curious people we are, we walked to the top of the stairs but I walked a little bit closer to the room they were in.
"Don't Kells.." Alan whispered.
I walked closer to the door and what I heard broke me heart.
"You're too close to Kellin. I don't like it." Jaime said to Vic.
"Don't worry about Kellin. He's nothing to me. I don't care about him in that way." Vic said back.
"Good, I don't want to lose you." Jaime said to Vic.
I couldn't believe what I just heard.
I ran out of the house with tears streaming down my face. I'll be gone by the end of tonight. My mind was made up and now there's no turning back.

Vic's POV
After my talk with Jaime we went back downstairs and to the kitchen.
"Hey where Kellin?" I noticed Kellin want in the kitchen.
"Why do you care." Alan spat.
"What do you mean.." I asked.
"Don't act dumb Fuentes. You obviously don't give a damn about the poor kid." Alex said.
"So that doesn't answer my question. Where the hell is Kellin?" I asked.
"He ran out." Alex said.
As I was walking out I got a text from Kellin.
Kell Bell: Look Vic I'm sorry about everything. You don't have to worry about me anymore. I wont be in the way of your relationship. I mean I'm nothing to you anyways.
"Shit shit shit. He better be okay." I grabbed my shoes and car keys and ran out.
"I pray to God I hope he's okay."

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